european commission

European Commission Approves State Aid for Romania’s Tarom

The European Commission said Monday it has approved Romania's plans to grant a temporary loan of approximately EUR36.7 million (around RON 176 million) to the state-owned flag carrier Tarom.

EC to Launch Excessive Deficit Procedure on Romania in March, Says Finance Minister

Romania will be placed under excessive deficit procedures in March at the earliest, outgoing finance minister undergo Florin Citu said Monday evening on TV station Realitatea Plus.

European Commission Official: Romania Last in EU Research Spending

European Commission official Aurora Mordonu said on Friday that Romania ranks last in the European Union regarding spending for research and innovation, during an event launching country-specific recommendations for Romania on Friday.

European Commission Threatens Romania with Harsher Mechanism if it Enacts Criminal Code Amendments

The European Commission’s first vice-president, Frans Timmermans, sent a letter to Romanian authorities in which he threatens instating a harsher mechanism to supervise the rule of law if criminal code amendments recently passed by its Parliament are enacted, political sources told MEDIAFAX.

Opposition Party Files European Commission Complaint on Funding of Bucharest Companies

Opposition Bucharest councilor Roxana Wring announced that her party filed on Tuesday, a complaint with the European Commission regarding the public funding the capital's City Hall granted municipality companies.

European Commission First Vice-President: We Have Seen No Progress Since CVM Report

The European Commission’s first vice-president, Frans Timmermans, said on Monday that the institution has seen no progress from Romanian authorities on recommendations made in the latest Cooperation and Verification Mechanism (CVM) report, ahead of a meeting in Bucharest with the Romanian PM.

European Commission First Vice-President: Concerns about Romania are Growing

The European Commission’s first vice-president, Frans Timmermans, told Romanian Prime Minister Viorica Dancila that concerns throughout the EU are growing in regards to the state of the rule of law in Romania, in a meeting the two had on Wednesday.

European Commission On Kovesi Case: All EPPO Candidates Must Be Treated Fairly

The European Commission announced on Thursday that it is closely following the events surrounding the process of appointing a chief prosecutor for the upcoming European Public Prosecutor’s Office, and that all candidates for the role must be treated fairly throughout the process.

Ruling Party: European Commission Should Clarify How It Gathers CVM Report Data

Romania’s ruling Social Democrat Party (PSD) requested the European Commission on Monday to clarify the manner in which it obtains the data used to prepare its yearly Cooperation and Verification Mechanism (CVM) reports for the country.

European Commission Reacts To Decree Re-Opening High Profile Cases

The European Commission reacted on Tuesday to the Romanian Justice Minister’s announcement of a Government decree which would re-open cases judged by erroneously formed Supreme Court panels, stating that it is important for the country to ensure an independent judiciary.

European Commission President: I Am Waiting For Progress From Dutch PM On Romania’s Schengen Access

European Commission President Jean Claude Juncker stated on Friday that he had numerous talks with the prime minister of Netherlands in which he informed him that Romania is prepared to accede to the Schengen Area, and that he is waiting for “progresses” from the latter.

Lower Chamber Chairman Will Not Attend Meeting With European Commission President

The chairman of Romania’s Lower Chamber, Liviu Dragnea, will not attend a scheduled meeting with European Commission chief Jean-Claude Juncker on Friday, as he is abroad. The EU official will instead meet with the chamber’s deputy chief Florin Iordache.

European Commission Reacts To Suit Brought By Romanian Ruling Party Leader, Will File Observations

The European Commission said in response to a MEDIAFAX inquiry that it took note of the lawsuit brought forth by the leader of the Romanian ruling Social Democrat Party (PSD) Liviu Dragnea and that it will file observations with the case in an “adequate timeframe”.

European Commission Urges Romania to Adjust Ballooning Public Deficit

Romania's public deficit is seen reaching 3.3% of gross domestic product this year and the European Commission recommends an annual structural adjustment of at least 1% of GDP in 2019.

European Commission: We Are Not Concerned With Romania’s Readiness For The EU Council Presidency

The chief of European Commission spokespersons, Schinas Margaritis, stated on Monday that the European institution does not have any concerns on Romania’s capacity to take over the EU Council presidency.

European Commission Issues Highly Critical CVM Report For Romania

The European Commission urged Romania to immediately suspend its current judicial reform and all ongoing procedures for appointing or dismissing top prosecutors, in an extremely critical 2018 version of its Cooperation and Verification Mechanism (CVM) report for the country.

European Commission Expresses Concern On General Prosecutor Dismissal

The European Commission announced on Thursday that the procedure for dismissing Romanian General Prosecutor Augustin Lazar, requested by Justice Minister Tudorel Toader, is a “source for concern” and it will be addressed in the upcoming Cooperation and Verification Mechanism (CVM) report.

IMF: Romania May Accelerate Economic Growth With Good Reforms, Solid Investments

Romania's economic growth will continue this year and may even accelerate next year, but only through continued and "satisfactory" reforms, improved absorption of EU funds and solid investment plans, IMF mission chief Jeffrey Franks said Saturday.

EC Report: Sanctions Applied After Romanian Integrity Agency Findings Rarely Dissuasive

Few sanctions have been applied as a result of the Romanian National Integrity Agency's findings and those applied are rarely dissuasive, while court rulings on conflicts of interest in the area of public procurement come too late, says the European Commission's report on justice.

EC Report: Romania Not Yet Engaged In Thorough Reform Of Justice Disciplinary System

Improving the Romanian judiciary's accountability remains an important challenge, as Romania has not yet engaged in a thorough reform of the disciplinary system, says the European Commission's report on justice, which will be published Wednesday in Brussels.

Romania Asks EC For Solutions To Reimburse Local Cucumber Producers

Romania’s Agriculture Ministry has asked the European Commission for solutions to reimburse local cucumber producers following a halt in exports to the Czech Republic and Germany due to an E.coli epidemic reported in Germany.

Romania To Revise Gas Transit Deal With Russia

Romania's Government will begin negotiations with Russia to revise the existing agreements on the transit of natural gas through pipelines on Romania's territory, says the memorandum of understanding agreed upon with the European Commission.

Romania Amends Law On Public-Private Partnership – Sources

The Romanian Government amended the law on public-private partnerships (PPP), after the European Commission warned Romanian authorities that the normative act breaches EU legislation, people close to the matter told MEDIAFAX Wednesday.

Romania Economic Sentiment Slightly Up In December

Romania’s economic sentiment index edged slightly higher to 81.6 points in December, from 81.1 points in the previous month, mainly helped by advances in services and construction, a widely watched European Commission monthly survey showed Thursday.

EU OKs Romanian Cernavoda Nuke Project

Romanian EnergoNuclear Monday received a favorable response from the European Commission for the construction of two additional reactors at the country’s sole nuclear power plant in Cernavoda, the majority holder in EnergoNuclear said.

EU Asks Romania For Details On Consumer Lending Ordinance

The European Commission sent Romanian authorities a letter asking for further details on the transposition of a European directive into local legislation through Government Emergency Ordinance 50/2010 on consumer lending contracts.

Romanian Govt To Discuss Central Bank Salaries In September

Romania’s Government will discuss the salaries of the central bank’s employees in September, when the two Parliament Chambers will hold a joint session, because the Executive lacks the legal means to intervene at the moment, said Prime Minister Emil Boc on Wednesday.

Romanian President: Public Procurement Not Part Of MCV

Romanian President Traian Basescu said Tuesday that he agrees with the European Commission’s statements regarding public procurements, but added that the issue should not have been included in the justice report as it has nothing to do with the Mechanism for Cooperation and Verification (MCV).

Romania Dropped Intra-EU Trade VAT Lest It Should Endanger EU Loan Tranche – Fin Min

Romania quit plans to apply VAT on intra-EU trade, as the European Commission warned authorities the country might put on the line the new loan installment to be disbursed by the European Union in September, Finance Minister Sebastian Vladescu said Tuesday.

EU Says Romania „Broadly” Meets Loan Terms

Romania has broadly met the policy conditions for a loan from the European Union, but still needs to take additional measures to narrow the budget deficit, the European Commission said Monday.

EC Revises Up Romania 2010 Inflation Forecast To 4.3%

The European Commission revised its inflation forecast on Romania to 4.3% this year from 3.5% previously, as it expects higher excise duties on tobacco and oil to increase inflationary pressures, according to its spring forecast report released Wednesday.

Romanian Econ Revival Hindered By Lower Invest, Population Ageing

Romania’s economic growth may be impaired on medium-term by falling investment, constraints in credit availability and rising unemployment, the European Commission said Wednesday in its assessment of the country’s updated convergence program.

EU: Romania Could Miss 2010 Deficit Target Over Difficult Spending Cuts

Romania could miss its budget deficit target in 2010, because some of the measures aimed to slash public spending are socially and politically difficult to carry out, the European Commission said in its opinion on the country’s updated convergence program.

EU Disburses EUR1B Loan Tranche To Romania

The European Commission on Thursday disbursed EUR1 billion to Romania as part of a larger EUR5 billion loan agreed last spring, following new reviews of the country’s economic performance.

EU Gives Romania Until 2012 To Correct Budget Gap

The European Commission on Monday recommended Romania be given until 2012 to bring its budget deficit down to 3% of the gross domestic product, in light of the country’s “effective” corrective measures taken so far.

EU To Disburse EUR1B Loan Tranche To Romania In March

The European Commission mission to Bucharest said the second and the third review of Romania's financial aid are broadly positive, and the EU will release the second installment worth EUR1 billion in March.

Romania’s PM Wants Govt Guarantee Increase To Co-Finance EU Projects

Romania’s Prime Minister Emil Boc met Saturday with the representatives of the International Monetary Fund, the European Commission and the World Bank and held talks on the possibility of increasing government guarantees to co-finance local administration European projects.

Romania Ranks Last In EU On Economic Sentiment Indicator

The economic sentiment indicator, or ESI, slightly rose in December in Romania to 64 points, from 62.1 points a month earlier, but the country continues to rank last among the European Union member states in the European Commission’s ESI classification.

Romania’s Govt To Meet For Talks On 2010 Draft Budget Saturday

Romania’s Government Saturday evening will convene in an informal meeting to talk on the 2010 draft state budget, people close to the matter told MEDIAFAX.

EU Hopes To Wrap Up Review Mission To Romania In Jan, Urges For Continued Progress

The European Commission on Thursday urged Romania to “rapidly endorse” the draft budget for 2010 and carry on structural reforms, in view of releasing the second EUR1 billion tranche of its EUR5 billion loan to the eastern European Country.