
EC Authorizes Romanian RON1.3B Aid Scheme For Farmers

The European Commission on Wednesday has authorized a Romanian state aid scheme with a budget of 1.3 billion lei (EUR1=RON4.0858) which aims to support farmers who face difficulties due to the economic crisis.

Romanian Cattle Farmers To Receive RON410/Head In State Aid

Romanian cattle farmers will receive state aid amounting to 410 lei/head (EUR1=RON4.2998), according to a Government decision allotting RON569 million for around 225,000 beneficiaries.

Romanian Farmers To Receive RON1.27B State Aid In 2010-2011 – Draft

Romanian farmers will receive subsidies amounting to 1.27 billion lei (EUR1=RON4.2923) for the August 2010-December 2011 interval, according to a draft Government decision.

Romanian Agric Min To Lobby At EU For Lending Incentives To Farmers

Romania’s Agriculture Minister Valeriu Tabara on Friday said he plans to lobby at the European Union for credit incentives to farmers, arguing that lending is the most efficient way to develop Romania’s agriculture sector.

Romanian Farmers Put Off Planned Protests Until Early Oct For Talks With New Minister

Romanian farmers’ union federation Agrostar and the National Federation of Farm Producers (FNPAR) put off planned protests until early October in order to hold talks with the new Agriculture Minister Valeriu Tabara.

Hundreds Of Farmers Protest Across Romania Calling For State Support For Agriculture

Several hundred farmers formed picket lines at prefects’ offices in towns across Romania, demanding the resignation of Agriculture Minister Mihail Dumitru and increased state support for agriculture, forestry and animal husbandry.

Romanian Farmers Set To Stage Ample Protest Rally In Bucharest On Sept 9

Romanian farmers and unionists in the agriculture sector will stage an ample protest rally in capital city Bucharest on September 9, disgruntled that authorities don’t support the country's agriculture sector.

Romanian Agriculture Unionists To Protest In Bucharest On May 11

Romanian agriculture union federation Agrostar said 5,000 unionists will protest in capital Bucharest on May 11, mainly over the provisions of Ordinance 44/2008 which compels farmers to register with the Trade Registry in order to be allowed to sell their products in marketplaces.

Romania Agriculture Ministry Says There Is No Money To Meet Farmers’ Demands

Romania’s Agriculture Ministry state secretary Adrian Radulescu said Tuesday, after a meeting with representatives of union federation Agrostar, that most of farmers’ claims cannot be solved on lack of money.

Over 400 Romanian Farmers To Picket Agriculture, Finance Ministries Tuesday

Over 400 Romanian farmers will picket the headquarters of the Agriculture Ministry and the Finance Ministry, urging authorities to support the agriculture sector.

Romania Agric Min To Pay Farmers 2009 Overdue Subsidies In Two Stages In Feb

Romania’s Agriculture Ministry will pay farmers, in the first half of February, 990 million lei (EUR1=RON4.1319) in overdue subsidies for October and November 2009, while overdue subsidies of RON370 million for December 2009 will be paid until the end of February this year.

Romanian Farmers To Be Included In Country’s Future Single Pension System

Romanian labor minister Mihai Seitan said Monday there will no longer be a special pension system for agriculture and farmers will be included in the single pension system.

Romanian Farmers To Get State Guarantee Of Up To EUR2.5M For Loans

Romanian farmers can take bank loans with a state guarantee of up to EUR2.5 million, Agriculture Minister Mihail Dumitru said Tuesday after a Cabinet meeting.

Romanian Cattle Breeders Only Half Satisfied With Loan Access Procedure – Union Leader

Romanian cattle breeders said that although they are only half satisfied with the state’s handling of their loan purchase problems, they will put off protesting and leave the government with one less issue to worry about.

Three Romanian Banks Signed Financing Agreements For Animal Breeders – President

Romanian President Traian Basescu on Wednesday said local lenders CEC, BRD and BCR signed financing agreements with the country’s paying agency in agriculture APIA and the Farm Loan Guarantee Fund to ensure funding for animal breeders.

Romanian Govt Ups Fines Ten Times For Farmers Failing To Report Sick Animals

The Romanian government approved a decision hiking ten times fines, which range from 3,000 lei (EUR1=RON4.2955) to RON6,000, for farmers failing to inform veterinarians, within maximum 48 hours, on suspicions of disease, death or culling of sick animals and failing to isolate sick animals.

Romanian Farmers Clash With Security Forces During Protest In Bucharest

Romanian farmers protesting outside the Finance Ministry in Bucharest clashed with gendarmes Wednesday morning when they tried to break through security lines.

Romanian Agr Ministry Assigns RON70M To Support Farmers

The Romanian Agriculture Ministry assigned 70 million lei (EUR1=RON42495) to support farmers in the animal husbandry sector and to ensure non-reimbursable co-funding for investment projects within the SAPARD program, whose payments have to be operated next week.

Romania In Talks With EC To Revise Farmer Program – PM

Romanian government plans to revise the “Farmer” program aimed to support farmers and the officials are carrying talks with the European Commission on the matter, Prime Minister Emil Boc said Friday.

Romanian Fin Min Confident In Solving Farmers’ Demands

Romanian Finance Minister Gheorghe Pogea on Wednesday assured farmers the authorities will find a solution to compensate their dues to the state with the subsidies farmers benefit from through the paying agency in agriculture.

About 1,200 Romanian Farmers Picket Govt HQ Demanding Subsidies

About 1,200 farmers from 25 Romanian counties picket the government building on Wednesday demanding subsidies and the checking of the quality of milk imported in Romania.

Royal House Of Romania, Agrostar Union Fed Pledge To Back Farmers

The Royal House of Romania and the country’s "Agrostar" Union Federation will sign a protocol aiming to back farmers, promote traditional food products and also represent farmers in the European Commission and Parliament to have financial aid granted to Romania extended by 2013.

Romanian Farmers To Resume Mkt Activities Without Trade Registry Papers

Romanian sheep and goat farmers can continue to sell their products in markets without the need for registration in the Trade Registry as authorized individuals, since agriculture minister Ilie Sarbu decided to amend the Order on the selling of animal origin products.

Romanian Sheep Breeders, Vet Authorities To Start Negotiations Monday

Representatives of Romanian sheep and goat breeders and officials of the sanitary veterinary authority ANSVSA on Thursday agreed to start talks on Monday with respect to the laws regarding hygienic norms for food produced by shepherds.

Bulgarian Farmers Block Giurgiu-Ruse Border Crossing – Press

Bulgarian farmers will block Wednesday for six hours the border crossing point Giurgiu-Ruse between Romania and Bulgaria protesting against the imports of milk and meat products from the EU and third countries, reported.

New Romanian Govt To Allocate Average Subsidy Of RON1.500 Per Hectare For Farmers

Romanian farmers will be granted an annual average subsidy worth 1,500 lei (EUR1=RON3.9389) per hectare, and the state will subsidize 30% of loans taken for production, according to the 2009-2012 agenda of the country’s new center-left government.

Romanian Farmers Get RON200/Ha For Autumn Crops – PM

The Romanian government will allocate a subsidy of 200 lei (EUR1=RON3.6690) per hectare to small farmers for the autumn crops for 120 hectares total per farm, Premier Calin Popescu Tariceanu said Wednesday.

Romanian Farmers Lose Milk Quota Over Failure To Submit Reports

Nearly 15% of the Romanian farmers who benefited from milk quotas in 2007 had their quotas removed for failing to submit a yearly report regarding the milk sold, the agency of payments and interventions in agriculture APIA said Tuesday.

Romanian Farmers Might Get Legal Territory Protection

The Romanian Ministry of Agriculture might initiate a draft law on zootechny farms in order to protect them from the "real estate aggression," a normative act that prohibits construction near farms, said state secretary Gheorghe Albu.

Romanian Farmers Stage Protest, Picket Govt HQ

The League of Romanian Farmers Associations, or LAPAR, organizes a protest march Wednesday and pickets the government building, as farmers are discontent with high diesel fuel prices and delays in the grant of subsidies.

Romanian Farmers To Get Direct Payments For Certified Areas –Official

Romanian farmers will most likely be assigned direct payments from EU funds gradually, as of February 2008, only for those farming areas that have already been checked and certified by independent auditors, Romania’s European Commissioner for Multilingualism Leonard Orban said Friday.