
Bărbatul care a lovit peste fund o jurnalistă a fost arestat pentru agresiune sexuală. Mesajul pe care i l-a transmis femeii

Bărbatul din statul american Georgia, care a lovit peste fund o jurnalistă în timpul unei transmisiuni LIVE, a fost arestat pentru agresiune sexuală, relatează The Guardian.

Romania Eyes Setting Up Social Fund To Help Pensioners Cope With Austerity Measures

The Romanian Government is considering setting up a fund of social solidarity meant to offer financial support to retirees after their pensions are reduced 15%, amid the country's drastic spending cut plan, people close to the matter said Tuesday.

Romanian Insurers’ Contribution To Road Victims Protection Fund Reduced To 0.3%

Romanian insurance companies issuing civil liability insurance (RCA) policies will contribute 0.3% of the RCA premiums collected to the Road Victims Protection Fund, as opposed to the 0.5% contributed right now, according to a decision of the Insurance Supervision Commission (CSA).

ESF Project Submission Deadline Extended In Romania Until Mar 31, 2010

The deadline by which Romanian companies can submit projects to draw non-reimbursable funds made available through the European Social Fund (ESF) was pushed back to March 31, 2010, and applications worth a total EUR22.61 million have been selected so far, from the EUR142.4 million allotted.

Romania’s Govt To Reorganize State-Owned Cos, Self-Governing Institutions

Romania’s Government will reorganize, merge or disband state-owned companies and self-governing state bodies, as it did with government agencies, to cut their losses estimated at RON4.8 billion (1EUR=RON4.2552) at the end of 2008.

Romanian Parliament May Annul Social Gas Fund

The Romanian Parliament may annul the social gas fund established earlier this year based on an agreement with Romania’s gas producer Romgaz Medias and the country’s largest vertically integrated oil company Petrom, aiming to provide financial support to 850,000 families for paying gas bills.