greater romania party

Romanian Far-Rightists Want National Referendum To Outlaw Magyar Democratic Union

The far-right Greater Romania Party asks president Traian Basescu to have consultations with the Parliament and to establish by decree a national referendum due for November 30, to outlaw the Magyar Democratic Union (UDMR), which backs the autonomy of the Szekler County, senator Gheorghe Funar said.

Actress, Singer Give Up Candidacy Along Greater Romania Party In General Elections

Romanian actress Oana Zavoranu and singer Aurelian Temisan decided to give up their candidacy in the upcoming parliamentary elections along the far-right Greater Romania Party (PRM), citing artistic career moves.

Greater Romania Party Wants To File No-Confidence Motion To Bring Down Tariceanu Govt

The Greater Romania Party is preparing a no-confidence motion to bring about the fall of the current Government led by Calin Tariceanu, and will ask for the support of the democrat liberals and the social democrats for obtaining the sufficient number of signatures, senator Gheorghe Funar said.