
Education Minister Wants Shorter Winter School Holiday

Romanian Education Minister Ecaterina Andronescu said on Tuesday that the ministry is considering shortening the school winter holiday, arguing that its three-week length makes pupils forget class subjects.

Romania To Give Public Sector Day Off On April 30, 2012

Romania's Government will declare April 30, 2012 a non-working day for the public sector, to be recouped in a Saturday in May, so that the May Day vacation might be longer, Prime Minister Mihai Razvan Ungureanu said Sunday.

Romanian Senate Tacitly Adopts Bill Making November 30 Legal Holiday

Romania's Senate on Tuesday tacitly adopted a bill making November 30, the feast of Saint Andrew, a legal non-working holiday.

Holiday Tickets Available As Of April 09 – Romanian Tourism Min

Holiday tickets are available on the Romanian market starting with Thursday, April 9, while companies interested can purchase them at issuing units, said Romanian tourism minister Elena Udrea.

Romanian Public Sector Employees To Receive Holiday Tickets

Romanian authorities and public institutions will be able to give their employees gift certificates and holiday tickets, as long as they fit within the spending budgeted, according to an agreement reached Saturday at the government headquarters, between the government and the unions.