
Indonezia va relua lucrările la „Marele zid de nisip”, pentru a salva Jakarta de la scufundare

Indonezia va relua lucrările de sistematizare pentru a preveni scufundarea sub nivelul mării a capitalei Jakarta, la cinci luni după suspendarea acestora din raţiuni legale şi ecologice, a anunţat un reprezentat al Guvernului indonezian, potrivit site-ului agenţiei Reuters.

Indonesian Court Allows Romanian Fraud Convict Nicolae Popa’s Extradition

An Indonesian court has allowed the extradition of Romanian fraud convict Nicolae Popa, sentenced to 15 years in prison for his part in defrauding 300,000 people in a massive Ponzi scheme, and Romanian judicial authorities are to be informed of this decision within seven days, people close to the ma

Romanian Fraud Convict Nicolae Popa To Be Deported Home In December

Romanian fraud convict Nicolae Popa, sentenced to 15 years in prison for his part in defrauding 300,000 people in a massive Ponzi scheme, will be deported by Indonesian authorities in December, Jakarta Globe reported online Thursday, citing the National Police spokesman.

Indonesian President Approved Extradition Of Romanian Fraud Convict Nicolae Popa

Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has approved Romanian authorities’ request for the extradition of Nicolae Popa, convicted for fraud and detained in Jakarta on December 2, 2009, but the repatriation procedure will take more time, people close to the matter said Thursday.

Romanian Fraud Convict Nicolae Popa Close To Being Deported From Indonesia – Paper

Indonesia’s Justice and Human Rights Minister Patrialis Akbar has given local police the green light to extradite Romanian Nicolae Popa, convicted in absentia for fraud, Indonesian police said, quoted by the online edition of the Jakarta Globe.

Romanian Crina Popescu Holds World Record For Youngest Alpinist On Carstensz Pyramid Peak

Romanian Crina Popescu a.k.a Coco, 15, has become the youngest mountain climber in the world to climb the Carstensz Pyramid peak (4,884 meters) in Indonesia, Montan Altitudine Sport Club said in a press release.

Riscul producerii unui tsunami în Oceanul Indian rămâne ridicat

Riscul producerii unui tsunami la fel de violent precum cel din 2004 în Oceanul Indian este în continuare ridicat, din cauza presiunii acumulate între două plăci tectonice de-a lungul insulei Sumatra, potrivit unui aviz al experţilor publicat duminică.

Indonesian Police To Deport Romanian Fraud Convict

Indonesian police will deport Romanian Nicolae Popa, convicted in absentia for defrauding more than 100,000 people in a massive Ponzi scheme and detained in Jakarta, the Jakarta globe reported in its online edition.

Romania Asks Indonesia To Extradite Romanian Fraud Convict

Romania’s Justice Ministry said it sent Indonesian authorities Wednesday a request to extradite Romanian national Nicolae Popa, arrested on December 2 by Jakarta police.

Romanian Wanted In Investment Fund Collapse Case Arrested In Jakarta

Romanian Nicolae Popa was arrested on December 2 by the authorities in Jakarta, Indonesia, after in 2006 he was sentenced to 15 years in prison by the Bucharest Court on charges of fraud and the court’s ruling remained definitive in 2009.