
Romanian Govt Adopts Decree Allowing Loan Repayment Delays Until Year-End

Romania's government on Thursday adopted an emergency decree allowing individuals and companies to postpone their loan repayments for up to nine months but no later than the end of the year.

GfK: Nearly Half of Romanians Want to Get Loans in Next 6 Months

Around 44% of Romanians intend to get a loan in the next six months and just 8% are completely certain they won't resort to this financing option, according to a poll by GfK, ordered by International Personal Finance which owns Provident Financial Romania.

Raiffeisen Bank Lent Over EUR350M To SMEs Under JEREMIE Program

Romanian lender Raiffeisen Bank granted loans of more than EUR350 million to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) via the Joint European Resources for Micro to Medium Enterprises (JEREMIE) program, the lender said in a statement Tuesday.

Romanian Authorities Must Compare Prices Of Similar EU-Funded Projects – Banker

Romania's EU fund management authorities and the Ministry of European Affairs should be able to look up and compare the prices of similar projects, because in some instances the difference between them is considerable, said Radu Gratian Ghetea, president of CEC Bank.

Romanian Govt To Focus On New SME Support Program – PM

Romanian Prime minister Emil Boc on Saturday said the Government will focus in the upcoming period on implementing a new program to support small and medium-sized businesses.

Fewer Romanian SMEs Unable To Repay Loans – SME Guarantee Fund

The number of small and medium-sized companies (SMEs) unable to pay back their loans has decreased this year and SMEs have started taking loans for investments rather than mere subsistence, said Thursday Aurel Saramet, head of the country’s guarantee fund for SMEs.

Romanian Banks “Warming Up” For Lending Restart – Assoc

Romanian banking system is going through a “warm-up” period, when the lenders provide mostly refinancing services, but the situation must change so that private lending can recover, the head of Romanian Banking Association said Wednesday.

Romania To Guarantee Loans Contracted By Homeowners For Building Façade Repairs

The Romanian state will subsidize the interest and guarantee the loans taken out by homeowners for building façade repairs, according to a draft act drawn up by the Tourism and Regional Development Ministry.

Romania Ctrl Bk Gov: Foreign Debt Caused By Population Overborrowing, Not Banks

Romanian central bank governor Mugur Isarescu Wednesday defended local creditors, saying the lenders only attracted external financing to respond to consumer overborrowing.

Romania Overdue Pays On Loans Above RON20,000 Rise To RON14.6B In Sept

Romanian overdue payments on loans of at least 20,000 lei (EUR1=RON4.287) more than doubled to RON14.6 billion in September compared with the year-ago month, central bank data showed Monday.

IMF: Consumer Credit Law Could Cost Romania Banks Hundreds Of Millions

Romanian lenders are likely to lose hundreds of millions in euros unless the current version of the consumer credit law is amended so it doesn’t affect older loans, an official of the International Monetary Fund said Thursday.

Romania Consumer Protection Auth Says Banks May Keep Rates For Ongoing Loans

Romanian agency for consumers’ protection ANPC on Wednesday said local banks are permitted to increase their fixed margins for ongoing loans with variable interests so interest rates can stay at levels prior to the implementation of the EURIBOR/ROBOR/LIBOR reference.

Romania To Guarantee Homeowner Loans For Thermal Rehabilitation

Loans contracted by homeowners or homeowners’ associations to thermally rehabilitate apartment buildings will be guaranteed by the state via the guarantee fund for small and medium-sized enterprises, according to a draft law drawn up by the Romanian Regional Development and Tourism Ministry.

1/5 Of Romanian Household Loans Provided To State Employees

Romanian banks provided loans to employees in the public sector worth approximately 20 billion lei (EUR1=RON4.1998), amounting to one fifth of the total household lending, central bank data showed Thursday.

Romania Eyes Guaranteeing Loans Of Pvt Cos For Co-Financing Of EU-Funded Projects

The Romanian Government plans to also guarantee the loans contracted by private companies for the co-financing of several projects backed from European Union funds, people close to the matter told MEDIAFAX Wednesday.

Romania Mulls Guaranteeing Homeowner Loans For Thermal Rehabilitation

Romania’s Development and Tourism Ministry will present a draft decision in the Cabinet meeting Wednesday whereby the state guarantees bank loans for homeowners’ associations for the thermal rehabilitation of apartment buildings, Minister Elena Udrea said Tuesday.

Romania Should Outlaw Early Loan Repayment Fees Via Govt Decree – Competition Watchdog

Romania’s Government should transpose in national legislation a European directive banning bank fees foe early loan repayment by passing an emergency decree rather than a draft law, which takes longer to be adopted, Competition Council head Bogdan Chiritoiu said Thursday.

Romanian Bks Assoc Head: 2-3% Hike In ’10 Pvt Lending Would Be Good After ’09 Decline

Romanian private lending was on downward trend in 2009 and an increase of 2% up to 3% in 2010 would be good news, the Romanian Banking Association ARB president Radu Ghetea told MEDIAFAX.

Romanian Farmers To Get State Guarantee Of Up To EUR2.5M For Loans

Romanian farmers can take bank loans with a state guarantee of up to EUR2.5 million, Agriculture Minister Mihail Dumitru said Tuesday after a Cabinet meeting.

Romanian Banks Could Book Lower Provisions For Rescheduled Loans

Romanian lenders might be motivated to refinance or reschedule loans for which they could book lower provisions, if the central bank approves a proposition of the local banking association ARB to change the classification of loans and provisioning regulations.

Romania Oct Late Payments On Loans Topping RON20,000M At RON6.8B

Romanian overdue payments for loans worth at least 20,000 lei (EUR1=RON4.2141) rose 9.9% on the month to RON6.8 billion in October, central bank data showed Monday.

Romania Ctrl Bank Oct Lombard Lending At RON19.4B

Romanian banks borrowed in October 19.4 billion lei (EUR1=RON4.2809) from the central bank through the Lombard facility, 40% more compared with RON13.87 billion borrowed in September, central bank data showed Monday.

Romanian Bank Loans Lose Ground With Cos Nearing Flatline, Skeptical People – Bkr

Banks cannot grant loans as companies that need money are “almost dead" and people do not trust the bank system, Credit Europe Bank regional manager Dorothea Nicolae said Friday.

Austria’s Erste Group, Two Associates To Grant Loans To Romanian Small Entrepreneurs

Austria's Erste Group together with Erste Foundation and the Center for Economic Development will grant loans to Romanian small entrepreneurs in rural areas and in small cities, who do not have access to traditional bank services.

Romanian Cattle Breeders Only Half Satisfied With Loan Access Procedure – Union Leader

Romanian cattle breeders said that although they are only half satisfied with the state’s handling of their loan purchase problems, they will put off protesting and leave the government with one less issue to worry about.

Romania Bankers Willing To Rework Loans For Troubled Clients

Romanian bankers on Tuesday reaffirmed their openness to reset existing corporate loans for clients in temporarily difficulty, to avoid foreclosure on the guarantees submitted.

Romania’s Ex Agriculture Min Criticizes Banks’ Decision Not To Finance Agriculture

The decisions of the banks not to finance start-ups in agriculture is “absurd” and the state should intervene to allow farmers to get loans, Romania's former Agriculture Minister Dacian Ciolos said Tuesday.

Romanian BCR Restructures Loans For 2,500 Late Payers

Romania's largest lender Banca Comerciala Romana, or BCR, restructured loans for just 2,500 individuals, although it has contacted around 90,000 customers in this respect, Tuesday said Stefan Coroianu, head of the bank' s retail loans division.

Romanian PM Calls For Banks’ Fast Response To Loan Requests

Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc on Saturday said he will have talks with the banks’ representatives to ask them to hasten the deadline for responding to companies’ request for loans.

Romanian Govt Sets 5% Downpayment, Limited Interest Rates For “First Home” Program

People contracting loans via the “First Home” program will pay either a 5% downpayment for a house that costs maximum EUR60,000, or EUR3,000 plus the difference of the purchase price, according to the methodological norms enforcing the program, which were adopted in the government meeting Sunday.

Romanian Ministries Take RON1.5B Foreign Loans In 1H For Invest

Romania’s ministries took 774.8 million lei (EUR1=RON4.2132) foreign loans in the first quarter, a similar amount being estimated by end-June, out of the total RON4.12 billion external credits budgeted for investment projects in 2009.

Romanian Bks Offer Rates Up To 14% For Euro, Up To 23% For RON On „First Home” Loans – Sources

More than 20 banks filed indicative offers on their effective annual interest rate, or AER, for the “First Home” program, varying between 5.5% and 14% for euro-denominated loans, and between 13% and 23% for Romanian leu-denominated loans, government sources told MEDIAFAX.

Bks Selected In Home Loans Guarantee Progr To Accept Charge-Free Early Loan Repay

The selection criteria of Romania’s banks that will further take part in the government’s program meant to guarantee loans contracted for the purchase of the first home will include charge-free early loan repayment and dwelling’s evaluation procedures, Premier Emil Boc said Friday.

Raiffeisen Bank Romania May Reschedule Up To 2,500 Loans

Raiffeisen Bank Romania plans to reschedule 2,000 to 2,500 loans, currently analyzing 250 cases, the bank’s president Steven van Groningen told MEDIAFAX on Monday.

EBRD Signs EUR20.3M Financing Agreements With Romania’s Arad, Brasov Mayoralties

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) concluded Saturday, in London, financing agreements worth a total EUR20.3 million with Arad and Brasov mayoralties, in western and central Romania, meant to refurbish local infrastructure.

Romanian Bks To First Cut Interest Rates For Deposits, Then For Loans –Ctrl Bker

The Romanian banks will first of all cut the interest rates at deposits and then those at loans, following central bank’s decision to cut the key monetary policy rate, Adrian Vasilescu, advisor of BNR governor said Thursday.

Romanian Govt To Borrow About EUR1B This Year Via Foreign Loans For Investments

Romanian ministries will borrow 4.1 billion lei (about EUR1 billion) this year via external loans, which it plans to use for investments mainly in transports, environment and regional development, official sources told MEDIAFAX Sunday.

Romania‘s Balanta Sibiu To Take EUR20M Loans, Trade EUR30M Shares

Romanian electronic scales and weighing machines producer Balanta Sibiu (BALT.RO) decided to take up to EUR20 million loans, for investments in its production capacity, also planning to trade assets and shares worth maximum EUR30 million.

Lenders Took RON39B Loans From Romanian Ctrl Bk In Feb, Up 23% M-M

Romanian banks borrowed in February 38.62 billion lei (EUR1=RON4.2329) from the central bank BNR, through the lending facility, up 22.6% compared with January, according to central bank data released Wednesday.

Romanian Bks Assoc Head Pledges For Loans, Despite Higher Costs

The president of Romanian Banks Association, or ARB, Radu Ghetea, recommended clients to continue to take loans, despite higher costs and stricter requirements, adding that the banking system has the necessary financing sources.