
Romanian MPs Reject Prosecution Against Fmr Minister Ridzi

Romania’s Chamber of Deputies Tuesday rejected anticorruption prosecutors’ requests to extend criminal investigations and search the computers used by against former youth and sports minister Monica Iacob Ridzi.

Romanian Opposition MPs Walk Out In Protest As Govt Seeks Conf Vote On Education Bill

Romania’s opposition lawmakers walked out in protest soon after the start of a plenary meeting during which the Government is seeking a confidence vote to pass a bill reforming the country’s education system.

Romanian Deputies Adopt Law On Criminal Probe Against High-Officials

Romanian deputies Tuesday adopted 188 to 63 and three abstentions the draft law allowing the start of a criminal probe against the ministers who are also members of Parliament only with the approval of the Parliament.

Ministerul Sănătăţii: 19 decese din cauza căldurii, în ultimele două zile

Un număr de 19 persoane au murit din cauza caniculei, începând de marţi şi până joi, cele mai multe cazuri fiind înregistrate în Bucureşti, potrivit raportărilor trimise Ministerului Sănătăţii de către autorităţile de sănătate publică.