national security

Constitutional Court Deems National Security Law Provision Unconstitutional

Romania’s Constitutional Court decided on Thursday that a provision of the country’s national security law, based on which communication interception mandates were issued, was unconstitutional due to its lack of predictability.

Romania’s Defense Council To Discuss National Defense Issues Tuesday

Romania’s Supreme Defense Council CSAT will meet Tuesday at the presidential Cotroceni palace to discuss, among others, Romania’s national defense strategy, Romania’s military forces and means that can be provided for military missions abroad in 2011 and the situation in Afghanistan.

Romanian Parliament Commission Wants To Finish Drafting National Security Laws By Sept ‘10

A parliament commission drafting Romania’s national security laws plans to have the acts completed and submitted for Parliament debate by September 1, 2010, democrat liberal Cezar Preda, the commission president, said Wednesday.

NATO Took Note Of Romanian Treason, Espionage Case

NATO doesn’t comment on issues related to intelligence but took note of the fact that Romanian authorities are investigating the case of a noncommissioned officer accused of treason and espionage, a NATO press officer told MEDIAFAX.