
Trupa canadiană Operators, live la Bucureşti, cu un nou album, pe 20 septembrie

Trupa canadiană Operators îşi va lansa noul album, "Radiant Dawn", şi în România, printr-un concert care va avea loc pe 20 septembrie, de la ora 21.00, în Club Control din Bucureşti, potrivit unui comunicat remis MEDIAFAX.

Romanian Transporters To Go On Strike On May 31

Romanian transportation unionists will go on full-blown strike on May 31 and cancel all local and national shuttle services for the day, representatives of the Romanian federation of transport operators, or FORT, said Friday.

Romanian Telecom Regulator Should Align Interconnection Fees – Ops

The Romanian National Authority for Communications needs to align the interconnection fees applied by mobile telephony operators to EUR0.0503 / minute come April 1, due to a request issued Thursday by the European Commission, according to Vodafone Romania and Orange Romania.

Romanian Cable Operators Frown At Proposed 12% Copyright Fee

The Romanian Cable Communications Association warned that an increase from 2% to 12% of the remuneration for copyright and other rights, demanded from cable communications operators by authorities, does not comply with European practices and will bring a 10% increase in subscription fees.

Romanian Telecom Ops To Work With Authorities, Supply Communications Data

Romanian electronic communications companies are obligated to store, over six months, certain data regarding telephone calls, written messages or e-mails, which could be accessed by the Ministry of Interior, prosecutors, and intelligence structures, on request.

Romania’s Local Mobile Operators Cut Roaming Tariffs To Comply With EU Rules

Mobile telephony operators Orange and Cosmote will lower roaming charges as of Saturday, to comply with European Union regulations, while Vodafone already cut prices on August 18.