
Can Pack Romania Completes EUR50M Investment to Raise Output Capacity

Can factory Can Pack Romania, the only facility on the local market manufacturing aluminum cans for beer and soda, has completed a EUR50 million investment to expand its production capacity to 1.5 billion cans annually from nearly 950 million cans at present.

Dacia Made Over 170,000 Vehicles in 1H 2017

Automobile Dacia manufactured a total of 170,430 vehicles at its plant in Mioveni in the first half of the year, of which over 100,000 Duster models, the association of Romanian automobile manufacturers said Friday.

Romanian Automobile Dacia Made 300,000 Sandero Cars In 2 Yrs

Romania’s Automobile Dacia, owned by French Renault, has produced 300,000 Sandero cars since the 2008 launch of the model, which has become Dacia’s best-sold car model, especially in Western Europe, the company said Tuesday.

Romania’s 2010 Wheat Output Nearly Compromised By Heavy Rainfall

Romania’s wheat output will drop to less than half the output forecast at the beginning of the year because of heavy rainfall during the past weeks, which has compromised crops, Nicolae Sitaru, head of Farmers’ League (LAPAR), told MEDIAFAX Tuesday.

Ford Romania Must Step Up Production To Avoid Penalties

Ford Romania must increase total production to over 250,000 cars by 2011, or it could pay penalties to the state of up to a quarter of the EUR57 million price paid for Automobile Craiova.

Romanian Agric Output Seen Weak Despite Wide Crop Surfaces

Romania fell to last place in 2009 in Europe with respect for corn output calculated on hectare, and poor results were also registered in the production of wheat, potatoes, rapeseed and sunflower, according to data from European statistics office Eurostat and local statistics office INS.

Romania Jan Crude Steel Output Soars 86% To 275,000 MMT

Romanian crude steel output rose 86.2% on the year to 275,000 metric tons in January, the World Steel Association said in an estimate Monday.

Romanian Dacia Employees Work Saturdays Until Jul 31 On Higher Demand

Employees of Romanian carmaker Automobile Dacia, owned by France’s Renault, start working Saturdays as of May 23, in two shifts, until July 31, to cover increased demand.

Romania Jan-April Car Industry Up 2.1% YY To 83,042 Units

Romania’s auto industry rose 2.1% on the year in the first four months to 83,042 units, Romanian Association of Car Manufacturers and Importers (APIA) said in a statement Tuesday.

Romanian Automobile Dacia Extends Work Schedule On Higher Demand

Romania’s automaker, owned by French Group Renault, will start to produce cars on Saturdays, between May 23 and July 31, using two work shifts, in order to cope with high demand and honor its orders.

Romanian Carmaker Dacia Ups Output As Of Jun 15, Hires 500 People

Romanian carmaker Dacia, the local unit of France’s Renault, will increase its output as of June 15 and hire 500 people to cover demand for its local and export markets, the carmaker said Friday.

Romanian Gas Producer Romgaz Could Up Daily Output, Can’t Fully Replace Russian Imports

Romanian natural gas producer Romgaz could increase its output by a daily maximum of 0.5-1 million cubic meters, but can’t completely replace the lack of Russian gas imports, company general manager Lucian Stancu told MEDIAFAX.

Michelin Resumed Production In Its Three Romanian Units

Michelin Romania, the local division of tire maker Michelin Group, resumed activity at its three Romanian units Silvania and RomSteel Cord in Zalau, northwestern Romania, and Victoria in Floresti, Prahova county, southern Romania, the company said Monday.

Romania’s 1H Indus Output Growth Seen Slowing To 5.8% Vs 6.1% In 1H ‘07

Romania’s industrial output growth is seen slowing down slightly to 5.8% in the first half of 2008 compared with 6.1% in the same period last year, the Romanian forecast commission said Friday in a report.

Romanian 1Q Industrial Output +5.4% On Year

Romanian industrial output grew 5.4% on the year in the first quarter of 2008 driven by energy and manufacturing growth, the National Statistics Institute said Thursday.

Romania’s 1Q Pwr Output Up 3.8% On Yr, Resources Dn 2%

Romania’s power output rose 3.8% on the year in January-March, while the country’s total power resources fell 2% on the year in the same period of 2008, the National Statistics Institute said Wednesday.

Romanian Feb Industrial Output +7.7% On Year

Romanian industrial output grew 7.7% on the year in February led by energy and manufacturing growth, the National Statistical Institute said Friday.

Romania’s Petrom 07 Crude Oil, Gas Output Slightly Dn

The crude oil output of Romania’s largest vertically integrated oil company, Petrom SA (SNP.RO) fell 4% in 2007 to 70.27 million barrels from 73 million barrels in 2006, due to international factors, the company said Tuesday.

Romanian ’07 Construction Output Growth Highest In EU – Eurostat

Romania registered the highest construction output in the EU in 2007, with a 30.9% hike, while for the 27 member states, this area registered an annual drop of 4%, according to European statistics office Eurostat.