
Coronavirus in Romania: 320 new cases and 22 deaths in the last 24 hours

In Romania, in the last 24 hours, a number of 320 new cases of coronavirus and 22 deaths were reported. The current number, since the beginning of the pandemic, is 23.080 diagnosed cases, of which 16.308 are cured.

Five more deaths, reported by GCS on Wednesday. The toll reaches 362 deaths due to COVID-19

Five more deaths have been reported Wednesday by the Strategic Communication Group (GCS), and the total number reaches 362 people who lost their lives in Romania due to infection with the new coronavirus.

Infections with the new coronavirus exceed 4.000 in Romania

Infections with the new coronavirus have exceeded 4.000 cases in Romania. Since the last information sent by the Strategic Communication Group, 193 other cases of illness have been registered.

BestJobs: Romanians Mainly Sought Remote Jobs in March

Romanians looking for jobs have changed their search criteria in March and sought mainly remote jobs and positions that would allow them to work form home amid traffic restrictions and other limitations due to the coronavirus pandemic, job platform BestJobs said in a statement Monday.

GCS: 2.245 Romanians infected with COVID-19 virus. 220 healed, 69 dead

The Strategic Communication Group has announced on Tuesday that in Romania there are 2.245 persons infected with COVID-19, with 293 cases more than on Monday. 220 people were declared healed, and 69 died.

Colliers: Bucharest’s Service-Based Economy Relatively Shielded from Pandemic

Bucharest is among the service hubs in Europe most shielded from the negative effects of the coronavirus pandemic and its office market is expected to be less affected or recover more quickly after the crisis, according to Colliers International.

Romania: 19 new cases of coronavirus. The official number reaches 158 people diagnosed

There are 158 coronavirus cases in Romania, the representatives of the Strategic Communication Group (GCS) announced on Monday morning. Among these, 19 cases are new.

AH1N1 Virus Pandemic Prompts Romanian National Defense Council Meeting

The Romanian High Council for National Defense (CSAT) will reunite Tuesday afternoon, at the presidential palace, to analyze the evolution of the AH1N1 flu and the measures proposed by the government.

Romanian PM Threatens To Sack Any Emergency Committee Member Skipping Meetings

Members of Romania’s National Committee for Emergencies who fail to attend meetings will be immediately fired and replaced, Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc said Friday, adding he won’t accept any excuses and acts of indiscipline.

No Cases Of New Flu Virus Infection In Romania – Health Minister

Romanian Health Minister Ion Bazac said Saturday in a conference in the city of Pitesti that, at the moment, there are no cases of infection with the new flu virus in Romania, but that alertness must be maintained, because the danger of flu has not passed and the virus spreads very quickly.

Romania Deems Flu Pandemic Probable; Scarce Resources Revealed

Romanian authorities are taking stock of existing antiviral medicine as the swine flu pandemic seems increasingly probable, but the country’s response may be too weak compared to France’s, for example, which has enough doses for everybody.