
Primăria Capitalei a delegat serviciul de parcări către o Companie Municipală

Primăria Capitalei a delegat către Compania Municipală Parking serviciul de parcări, potrivit unui proiect aprobat de CGMB. Acest lucru înseamnă că explotarea şi încasarea tarifelor se va face de către Compania Municipală, inventarul bunurilor fiind de 20 de milioane de euro.

Bucharest Parking Spots Cost More Than In Berlin, Lisbon, Warsaw – Colliers

The monthly fee set for a parking spot in Bucharest has grown this year, compared to 2008, by 33%, to $205, thus topping similar fees in Berlin, Lisbon or Warsaw, but remaining below the ones in Sofia and Budapest, according to real estate services company Colliers International.

Bucharest City Hall To Take Back 3,000 Parking Spots From Dalli Exim

Bucharest City Hall announced it will begin Monday to take over the over 3,000 parking spots managed by Dalli Exim, since the company was notified, one month ago, that the contract signed with the mayoralty in this respect in 1995 was terminated.