
Cota de piaţă a Windows Phone a scăzut sub 1%

Windows Phone, sistemul de operare mobil dezvoltat de Microsoft, continuă să piardă teren, iar potrivit celor mai recente date furnizate de firma de cercetare a pieţei Gartner, cota de piaţă a platformei a scăzut sub 1% în primul trimestru al acestui an.

Orange Romania Set To Launch Cell Phone For Seniors

The Romanian branch of mobile services operator Orange will launch Thursday an easy-to-use phone designed for the elderly, with loud volume settings, large keys, vocal playback of numbers dialed, a quick caller list and an SOS key.

Romanian Foreign Intelligence Service Said It Doesn’t Tap Phones

The Romanian Foreign Intelligence Service states it “closely” observes the Constitution and the laws, adding communications are not intercepted, and the interceptions performed by concerned national authorities are used exclusively in national security matters.