
Iohannis signed six retirement decrees. Some are for prosecutors from the General Prosecutor’s Office

President Klaus Iohannis signed six retirement decrees on Friday, demanded by prosecutors from around the country, the Presidential Administration announced. Four of the retirement decrees signed by president Klaus Iohannis were prosecutors of the Prosecutor’s Office attached to the High Court of Cassation and Justice. On Friday, Klaus Iohannis has signed the following decrees: Decree […]

ING Survey: Over 60% of Romanians Expect To Be Working Beyond Retirement Age

Around 54% of Europeans expect to continue working after retirement age, with the highest rates among Romanians and Czechs (63%), according to the ING International Survey Savings 2019 released Wednesday.

Romanians Should Save EUR3,700 Annually To Have Decent Retirement Income

Romanians who will retire by 2051 should save an average of EUR3,700 annually to enjoy a standard of living similar to that before retirement, insurer Aviva Asigurari de Viata general manager Mihai Popescu told a news conference Wednesday.

Romania Freezes Early Retirement, Limits Retirement For Incapacitated People

The Romanian Government will freeze early retirement starting June 1, 2010 until the country’s new pension law is enforced, and pensions for incapacitated people will be granted only if they were previously approved by Labor Ministry medical assessment teams.

Romania Fmr Judge Probed In Corruption Case Asks For Retirement

Romania’s former Supreme Court judge Florin Costiniu, investigated at large in a corruption case involving senator Catalin Voicu and two businessmen, has asked for retirement and the country’s High Council of Magistrates allowed his request Thursday.

Oriflame Romania General Manager Monica Tatoiu Retires

The general manager of cosmetics company Oriflame Romania, Monica Tatoiu, steps down from her position after 14 years of activity, and she will be replaced with Pavlina Marinova, the company said in a press release Thursday.

Romanian Labor Min Mulls Lowering Retirement Age For Mothers

The Romanian Ministry of Labor could agree to reduce the retirement age for women who have children and a proposition will be made in this respect by Labor Minister Mihai Seitan in his meeting with Prime Minister Emil Boc on Friday.

Romania’s Social Democratic Party Rejects Retirement Age Increase For Women

Social democrat leader Mircea Geoana said Saturday during a visit in Zalau, northwestern Romania, his party does not agree with increasing retirement age for Romanian women as the latter face tougher life conditions than women elsewhere in the European Union.

Pension Law In Romania To Adjust Retirement Age, As Stipulated By IMF Agreement

The new pension law will observe the stipulations of the agreement Romania signed with the International Monetary Fund and the European Commission on increasing the retirement period particularly for women and adjusting it at 65 years-old after 2014, Government officials said Friday.

Romanian Public Servants Of Retirement Age, Forced To Retire As Of Feb

People working in the Romanian public administration system that have reached retirement age will be forced to retire as of February, Vasile Marica, leader of the Sed Lex union of public servants, told MEDIAFAX Friday.