
Medical Services Requested By Patient Not Covered By Insurance – Draft

Romanians insured through the public healthcare system will have to pay out of pocket for medical services they request themselves, as doctors will not be allowed to write notes or prescriptions for free/discounted medicine in such instances.

Romanian Tourism Min Pleads For Complete Privatization Of Tourism, Better Services

Romanian Regional Development and Tourism Minister Elena Udrea said Friday that hotels on the Romanian coastline apply prices similar to those in Greece, but the quality of services is not at the same level, while Bulgaria offer smaller prices.

Romanian Govt Works On List Of Lump Sum Taxable Services

Taxi transportation, car washes and artistic interpretation are some of the activities introduced by the Romanian Government on a list of 28 services for which the lump sum tax will be paid, according to a working document of the Government.

Romanian Govt Compiles List Of Lump Sum Taxable Services

Restaurants, hotels, tour operators, fitness centers, but also funeral homes are among the activities for which the lump sum tax could be collected, according to a list, discussed by authorities, which includes 26 services performed for the population.

Romanian SME Min To Procure Consultancy Services Worth RON17.4M

The Romanian Ministry for Small and Medium Sized Companies (SMEs) intends to buy consultancy services worth 17.4 million lei (EUR1=RON4.2216), in view of opening single offices for companies, developing strategies for the business environment and evaluating administrative barriers.

Romanian Intelligence Services Are Politically Involved – Social Democrat Official

The leader of the social democrat group within the Romanian Chamber of Deputies, Viorel Hrebenciuc, said on television station Antena 3 that he calls on the intelligence professionals "to observe the law and not intervene in politics."

Services Make Most Of Romanian 1H GDP, FDI Seen Over EUR10B In ‘08

The services sector contributed the most in the first-half gross domestic product, followed by the construction sector, the National Statistics Institute, or INS, said Thursday at a press conference.

Sanitation Contracts In Bucharest Extended Illegally – Regulator

Contracts for sanitation services in Romania’s capital city Bucharest were extended with the breach of provisions in public procurement laws, the authority regulating and monitoring public procurement, ANRMAP, said following check-ups.

Romania Banking Assoc Determined To Back Credit Bureau Activity

The Romanian Banking Association, or ARB, might ask authorities to allow service providers, especially mobile telephony operators, to provide client data to the Bucharest Credit Bureau, ARB president Radu Gratian Ghetea said Wednesday.

Romania To Introduce OpenID Standard For Online Payment

Clients of mobile telephony operators and of banks will be able to access websites of the public administration for online tax payment or to submit applications without using identification codes and passwords offered by mayoralties.

Romanians Spend 38% Of Incomes On Food

Romanians spend only 17% of their total incomes on services, 38% on food products, while 45% of their incomes go to non-food products, Romania’s central bank adviser Adrian Vasilescu said Tuesday.