venice commission

Judicial Committee Chairman: No Chance For Abolishing Magistrate Investigation Section

The chairman of the special committee tasked with overhauling Romania’s judicial bills, Florin Iordache, stated on Tuesday that he told Venice Commission members that “there is no chance” for the ruling party to give up on the criticized section for investigating magistrate offences.

General Prosecutor Requests Consultation Of Magistrates In Revising Criminal Codes

Romania’s General Prosecutor Augustin Lazar stated on Tuesday that prosecutors from Romania’s top judicial agencies can contribute to revising draft bills amending the country’s criminal codes, requesting authorities to consult them before making further changes.

Venice Commission Recommends Romania To Revise Procedures For Appointing Top Prosecutors

The Council of Europe’s advisory body, the Venice Commission, recommended Romania to reanalyze the system for appointing and dismissing top prosecutors, which in their current states risk to undermine the independence of the country’s judicial system.

Justice Minister: Venice Commission Recommends Abolishing Early Retirement For Magistrates

Romanian Tudorel Toader announced on Friday that the Venice Commission review on recently enacted judicial bills recommends the abolishment of a provision instating early retirement for magistrates, instead of delaying the measure.

Liberal Party To Inform Venice Commission Of Government Judicial Decree

Romania’s Liberal Party will send an official letter to the Venice Commission to inform the institution with regards to a Government emergency decree which amends the recently enacted judicial bills this week, the party’s spokesperson announced on Wednesday.