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Romanian Normative Acts To Be Amended, Annulled Before Coming Into Effect – Decree

Normative acts can also be amended or annulled upon adoption and prior to their coming into effect, but only based on solid grounds, according to an emergency ordinance approved by the Romanian government.
Romanian Normative Acts To Be Amended, Annulled Before Coming Into Effect – Decree
10 iun. 2009, 11:07, English

The ordinance thus introduces a new provision stipulating that upon adoption, normative acts can also be amended, or if necessary, annulled, prior to their coming into effect, but only based on solid grounds.
The draft normative act must include legislative solutions for transitory situations if the new regulation affects juridical connections or situations created under the old regulation, but which have not entirely produced its effects until the coming into effect of the new regulation.
Furthermore, the draft must include, if necessary, legislative measures meant to settle the conflict between normative acts of different categories, according to the principle of the hierarchy of higher norms, as stipulated in the decree approved by the government.
Under the new decree, the draft laws for which the government assumes responsibility must be accompanied by justifying documents, namely the display of motives and, if necessary, the corresponding report.