
Justice Laws Amendment Bill Must Be Assessed Only After It Meets Its Final Form, Says Minister

Romanian Justice Minister Tudorel Toader said Friday that those who expressed disapproval on the justice laws amendment bill must wait until bill meets its final form before assessing it, as the piece of legislation might undergo modifications.

EC Continues Infringement On Romania Over Waste Management Legislation

Romania on Thursday received a reasoned opinion from the European Commission, the second stage of an infringement procedure over the country’s failure to transpose EU rules on waste management into national legislation.

Romanian President Hasn’t Yet Received Two Hot-Button Bills

Romanian President Traian Basescu said Friday that he will express a standpoint regarding the bills reducing the value added tax on basic foods to 5% and lifting the income tax off pensions lower than 2,000 lei (EUR1=RON4.3083) after he reads the two documents.

Romanian Health Ministry Working On New Legislation On Public Healthcare Sys

Romania’s Health Ministry is working on a new pack of laws regulating the healthcare system in a move to ensure fair social healthcare contributions and a more efficient National Health Insurance House, minister Cseke Attila said Saturday.

Romania’s Ruling Coalition Wants Govt To Seek Confidence Vote To Pass Education, Wage Bills

Romania’s ruling coalition decided Monday evening that the Government will seek a confidence vote in Parliament to pass the country’s education bill and unitary wage bill, people with direct knowledge of talks told MEDIAFAX.

Romanian Coalition Govt Meets Monday Evening To Discuss Pension, Education Laws

Romania’s governing coalition will meet Monday evening to decide on ways to pass priority laws such as the pension reform and the education bill, Prime Minister Emil Boc said after talks with the head of state.

Romanian Govt Might Seek Conf Vote In Fall To Pass New Labor Code

Romania’s Government might again seek a confidence vote in Parliament, in September or October, to pass a new Labor Code, a social assistance code and the unitary wage law for the public sector, Prime Minister Emil Boc said Thursday.

Romanian President Promulgates Amended Austerity Laws

Romanian President Traian Basescu promulgated Tuesday the two austerity laws, which were forwarded to him after the Parliament eliminated the articles that stipulated pension cuts, recently declared unconstitutional by the country’s Constitutional Court.

Romanian Govt Accepts 5 Amendments To Austerity Laws

Romania’s Government decided Monday to only accept five of the 70 amendments submitted to the two laws which make up the country’s austerity plan.

Romanian Govt Submits Austerity Plan To Parliament

Romania’s Parliament received Monday morning the draft laws for which the Government will seek a confidence vote, Chamber of Deputies Speaker Roberta Anastase told MEDIAFAX Monday.

Romania’s Govt To Seek Parl Confidence Vote For Pension, Wage Cut Laws

Romania’s Government will seek a confidence vote in Parliament for two draft laws, one concerning budget expenditure cuts, and the other regulating the new contribution-based pension system and reevaluating disability pensions, Prime Minister Emil Boc said Wednesday.

Romanian Senate Adopts Bill To Transfer 5% Of Sanitary Fines To Public Healthcare Budget

Romania’s Senate adopted Monday a bill whereby 5% of fines from veterinary and food product inspections and from breaches of hygiene and public health laws would be transferred to the budget of the National Health Insurance Fund.

Romanian PM Calls On Parliament To Urgently Enact Govt’s Proposed Bills

Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc called on the Parliament to speed up the enactment of the main draft laws the Government has sent, including the fiscal responsibility law, the pension law, and the civil and criminal procedure codes.

Romania Lower Chamber Enacts Decree Allowing Law Amendments Before Laws Come Into Force

Romania’s Chamber of Deputies Wednesday enacted a government emergency decree allowing for amendments, improvements or even invalidations of laws between the time they are published in the country’s Official Journal and the time they are to come into force.

Romanian President To Promulgate Public Body Reorganization, Unitary Wage Laws

Romanian President Traian Basescu Wednesday said he would promulgate the unitary wage law and the law on the reorganization of public institutions on Thursday.

Romanian Public Body Reorganization, Unitary Wage Laws Dubbed Constitutional

The Romanian Constitutional Court Wednesday ruled that the Law on the reorganizing of certain public authorities and the public sector unitary wage law are constitutional.

Romania’s Constitutional Court Postpones Rulings On Controversial Laws Until After Elections

Romanian Constitutional Court postponed Wednesday until after presidential elections rulings on the legitimacy of three laws the government enacted after gaining a confidence vote in Parliament mid-September.

Romanian Parliament Commission Wants To Finish Drafting National Security Laws By Sept ‘10

A parliament commission drafting Romania’s national security laws plans to have the acts completed and submitted for Parliament debate by September 1, 2010, democrat liberal Cezar Preda, the commission president, said Wednesday.

Romanian PM Says Parliament’s Confidence Vote Is Necessary For Reform

The laws for which the Romanian Government is asking for the Parliament’s confidence vote are necessary to carry on with reform and a government unwilling to reform doesn’t justify its existence, Prime Minister Emil Boc said Tuesday in Parliament.

Romanian Parliament Starts Confidence Vote Meeting 45 Minutes Late

The Romanian Parliament meeting on Tuesday, in which the Government will ask for a confidence vote to pass three laws, started 45 minutes late, with most ministers present but in the absence of liberal lawmakers, who preferred to work on motions and challenges to the laws instead.

Romanian Social Democrats Not Familiar With Law Packs Govt Takes Responsibility For

Romanian social democrat honorary leader Ion Iliescu left a party meeting Tuesday upset that social democrat leaders are still not familiar with the final format of the three packs of laws for which the Government will take responsibility before the Parliament later in the day.

Romanian Govt Accepts Over 70 Amendments To Unitary Pay, Restructuring Laws

Romania’s Government accepted 34 of the 300 amendments proposed to the law restructuring government agencies and 39, of nearly 780 amendments proposed to the unitary pay law in the public sector, and decided to resume talks on the law pack in education on September 14, official sources said Sunday.

Romanian Govt To Accept Only Law Pack Amendments Compliant With Budget Provisions – PM

Romania’s Government will analyze the amendments to the laws for which it plans to take responsibility in Parliament and it will accept only those compliant with the principles of laws, the established macroeconomic limits, the governing agenda and the budget provisions, Premier Emil Boc said Sunday.

Romania Transp Ministry Readies Law Pack For Railway Sector

Romania’s Transport Ministry is working with the Romanian Railway Authority (AFER) and the National Center for Railway Qualification and Training (CENAFER) on a draft law meant to regulate operations in the railway sector, which will be completed in October.

Romanian Parliament Set Responsibility Assumption Date For Sept 15

Romania's Parliament decided Prime Minister Emil Boc will come before the Parliament on September 15 to assume responsibility for the three packs of laws regarding economic measures, the unitary law regulating wages across the public sector and laws on education, Senate quaestor Ioan Chelaru said.

Romania Ruling Coalition To Assume Resp For Education, Public Spending, Unitary Pay Laws Sept 15

Romanian democrat liberal leader Gheorghe Flutur said Monday the country’s ruling coalition decide the Government will take responsibility before Parliament on September 15 for the laws on education, unitary pay and spending cuts in the public sector.

Romania To Save Over RON950M In 2009 Following Spending Cut Law

The Romanian government estimates to save an immediate 950 million lei (EUR1=RON4.2436) with the application of the law of measures cutting spending in the public sector, which it plans to enact by assuming responsibility before Parliament.

Romania Sends Unitary Pay Law To IMF, WB For Consultations

The Romanian government sent the draft unitary pay law to the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank for consultation and Prime Minister Emil Boc and cabinet members will have a final talk on Sunday on all the laws for which the government will take responsibility before Parliament.

Romanian Govt To Assume Responsibility On Ed, Unitary Pay, Restructuring Laws –PM

The Romanian Government decided to assume responsibility in Parliament for the three laws on education, unitary pay in the public sector and the reorganization of Government-run agencies for further cuts in public spending, Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc said Wednesday.

Romanian PM Not A Partisan Of Political Crisis – Social Democrat Leader

Romanian leader of the Social Democratic Party Mircea Geoana said Wednesday, after a meeting with Prime Minister Emil Boc, the latter does not intend to generate a political crisis.

Romanian PM Urges Ruling Coalition To Decide On Law Pack Paternity ASAP

Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc on Monday said the democrat liberals and the social democrats in the country’s ruling coalition ought to make a decision, as soon as possible, as regards the Government taking responsibility for several laws, stressing time "is running out."

Romanian Education Min, Pres Commission Reach Common Ground

Romanian education minister Ecaterina Andronescu said Thursday, after talks with Mircea Miclea that she agreed with some of the propositions included in the education law pack compiled by the presidential committee.

Romanian Prime Minister To Analyze Solutions Regarding Education Laws

Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc said Friday he will analyze the solutions regarding the two packs of laws on education, one drawn up by a presidential commission and the other by the Education Ministry.

Romanian Democrat Liberals Challenge Education Min Over Education Code

The president of the Romanian democratic liberal women, Sulfina Barbu, said Thursday the education law proposed by education minister Ecaterina Andronescu is beyond the governing agenda, and responsibility will be assumed foe the presidential committee’s draft law, which can be amended.

Romanian Liberals Frown On Govt Taking Responsibility For Laws On Wages, Education, Pensions

Romania’s opposition Liberal Party (PNL) disagrees with the government taking responsibility for the laws on pensions, education and unitary pay in the public sector, the party vice-president Ludovic Orban said Monday.

Romanian Education Min Frowns On Govt Taking Responsibility For Education Laws

Romania’s education minister Ecaterina Andronescu said she would submit Monday the draft law on education to rectors, school inspectorates and unions in the sector for further public debate.

Romanian Min: Education Sector Laws Must Be Put Up For Public, Parliament Debate

Romania’s education minister Ecaterina Andronescu on Thursday said the laws regulating the education sector must be put up for public debate and also discussed in Parliament, arguing she wants ministry officials to complete talks with the unionists until August 14 in order to draft effective laws.

Romanian PM: Decree On Early Repeal Of Laws Allows Parl To Annul Non-Enforced Codes

Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc said the decree repealing laws before they enter force allows the Parliament to annul the Criminal Code adopted during the mandate of former justice minister Rodica Stanoiu, which was not yet enforced, and to avoid the simultaneous enforcement of two Criminal Codes.

EXCLUSIVE: Romanian Legislative Council Urges Govt To Reconsider Repealing Acts Before Enforcement

The Romanian Legislative Council has urged the Government to reconsider its proposal that normative acts be amended or repealed before they enter force, explaining that such procedures cannot be found in the laws of other European states and they should be reserved for exceptions, such as the Codes.

Romanian Normative Acts To Be Amended, Annulled Before Coming Into Effect – Decree

Normative acts can also be amended or annulled upon adoption and prior to their coming into effect, but only based on solid grounds, according to an emergency ordinance approved by the Romanian government.