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Romanian Education Min Frowns On Govt Taking Responsibility For Education Laws

Romania’s education minister Ecaterina Andronescu said she would submit Monday the draft law on education to rectors, school inspectorates and unions in the sector for further public debate.
Romanian Education Min Frowns On Govt Taking Responsibility For Education Laws
10 aug. 2009, 13:23, English

Andronescu added she would meet again Tuesday with the unionists in the sector for a new round of talks on completing the draft law, which will be later put up for public debate.

The minister also said she does not know when the draft law will turn into law, stressing the Parliament, not her, is decider on the matter, whereas the government will decide when to submit the draft law to the Parliament.

Andronescu also pointed out she does not find it "appropriate" for the government to take responsibility for the draft law on education after a public debate on the matter.

Unionists in the education sector on Monday said they disagree with the government taking responsibility for the laws on education, arguing a public debate in this respect is highly necessary, since the future code of education requires further amendments, following recent talks between social partners and Education Ministry officials.

The head of the "Alma Mater" union federation, Anton Hadar, said the unions in the sector strongly disagree with the government taking responsibility for the laws on education, stressing they must be put up for debate.

In turn, Simion Hancescu, vice-president of the Federation of Free Unions in Education (FSLI), said he does not agree with Prime Minister Emil Boc taking responsibly for the set of laws on education, arguing they must be put up for public debate and probably assumed afterward.

Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc said Monday, after the meeting of the ruling coalition, that the government will take responsibility in Parliament, on September 2, for the unitary pay law in the budget sector, the law restructuring government agencies, and the laws on pension-wage cumulus and on education.