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Romanian Senate Adopts Bill To Transfer 5% Of Sanitary Fines To Public Healthcare Budget

Romania’s Senate adopted Monday a bill whereby 5% of fines from veterinary and food product inspections and from breaches of hygiene and public health laws would be transferred to the budget of the National Health Insurance Fund.
Romanian Senate Adopts Bill To Transfer 5% Of Sanitary Fines To Public Healthcare Budget
17 mai 2010, 20:50, English

The law initiative amends existing legislation concerning sanitary-veterinary and food safety controls, food production and breaches of hygiene and public health laws.

The senators decided that the percentage transferred to the public health insurance fund will supplement the amounts available to treatments provided through the following national healthcare programs: hematology-oncology, organ transplants, cardiovascular surgery and interventional cardiology.

The bill needs to be adopted in the Chamber of Deputies before it becomes law.