"There are all sorts of intermediaries that go to the fields and buy directly from farmers, and then bring the cargo to their warehouses, without paying VAT or the tax on profit, and when they are asked to pay these taxes, they fabricate revenues, from ghost companies," Florea said.
He added the losses caused to the Romanian state in the first five months of the year, through commerce with cereals, reaches RON153 million, which results from the unpaid VAT and taxes.
At the same time, between January and May, the Financial Guard inspected 2,305 economic agents selling alcohol, and issued 1,584 sanctions, with fines totaling RON1.781 million.
Florea said inspection units will be present in most of the main communication routes, where said transactions take place, especially in highway areas.
In a bid to remove tax evasion, the Financial Guard will work with the Police, creating mixed units, an effort which involves most Financial Guard employees as well as 1,200 police specialists from the Fraud Investigation Department and 20,000 traffic and public order cops.