
Romania Ranks 44 In World Economic Forum’s Financial Development Chart

Romania has ranked 44 after being included this year, for the first time, in a World Economic Forum chart of the 57 most developed financial markets worldwide.

Romania Financial Forum aduce în discuţie lecţiile crizei pentru autorităţi şi bănci

Guvernatorul Băncii Naţionale a României, Mugur Isărescu, va analiza împreună cu bancherii schimbările în comportamentul de economisire, evoluţia creditării de la începutul crizei până acum şi consecinţele deciziilor de politică monetară, la Romania Financial Forum, ce are loc marţi, 5 octombrie.

Romania To Give Moldova EUR100M Between ’10-’13 For Infrastructure, Local Projects

Romanian President Traian Basescu said Wednesday in Moldovan capital Chisinau that Romania will offer non-reimbursable financial support worth EUR100 million to Moldova for education infrastructure projects and for locally relevant projects.

Romanian Leasing Companies Ask President To Reject Flawed Legal Amendment

Romanian leasing companies asked President Traian Basescu not to promulgate a draft law stating that leasing installments become fixed and monthly, and the contract period becomes undetermined.

Romanian Agric Tax Evasion Robs State Of RON75M In Jun ’09

The value of losses caused to the Romanian state in June through cereal trade reached 75 million lei (EUR1=RON4.2036), according to Financial Guard official Sorin Florea, who added some 75-80% of employees will be involved in inspections to diminish tax evasion on this segment.

Romania May Get EUR4B From EC Out Of EUR19B Financial Package – Sources

Romania might get EUR4 billion from the European Commission’s bailout fund, as part of the EUR19 billion financial package discussed with the E.U. and the International Monetary Fund, government sources told MEDIAFAX on Friday.

Romanian Mine Blast Victims’ Kin To Receive Financial Aid

The families of the 12 miners and rescuers who perished in the blasts occurring Saturday in Romanian mine Petrila, as well as the families of other victims of the same incident will receive financial aid ranging between 5,000 and 10,000 lei (EUR1 = RON3.8258).

Romanian Ctrl Bk Invites NBFIs For Talks On Access To Risk DBs

Romanian non-banking financial institutions (NBFI) are invited to the central bank sometime next month for talks on the regulation of access to information supplied by the Bank Risk Central, said Thursday the head of the financial activity and NBFI service within the central bank, Angela Dimonu.

Romania Received EU Funds Worth EUR1.6B In ’07- Report

Romania accessed in the previous year European funds worth EUR1.602 billion, with EUR315.4 million in compensations, and had a contribution of EUR930.9 million to the EU budget, according to the financial report issued by the EU.