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Romanian Senate Adopts Govt Ordinance On Hospital Decentralization

Romania’s Senate approved Tuesday Government Emergency Ordinance 48/2010, on the decentralization of hospitals, together with certain amendments proposed by the committee for health matters and supported by Health Minister Cseke Attila.
Romanian Senate Adopts Govt Ordinance On Hospital Decentralization
Paula Rusanu
24 aug. 2010, 19:10, English

The law approving the ordinance was adopted with 75 votes for, 38 votes against and two abstentions.

Cseke said putting hospitals under the management of local authorities was not a political measure, but one chosen with efficiency in mind. He said the ordinance provides the payment of hospital arrears incurred until March 31, but, during the budget revision last week, the Government allotted resources to the Health Ministry, allowing it to cover hospital arrears incurred until June 30, 2010.

The minister also said decentralization significantly reduces the number of management positions in hospitals.

The ordinance also provides for an administration council, the members of which will be appointed by the local authority. One of the amendments accepted by the senators forbids a hospital’s employees from being members of its administration council. This aims to prevent instances in which employees would also take part in drafting the budget, or outrank their own supervisor.

Another approved amendment moves the date on which the co-payment system for investments in hospitals made by public administrations is to enter force to January 1.