Costin compared Romania to Belgium, where only 3.5% of the population works in the public sector.
Romania’s public sector will scrap 326,000 jobs and will have 1.068 million employees from the current 1.394 million by 2015, the deadline for the enforcement of the unitary pay law, finance minister Gheorghe Pogea said Tuesday.
The number of public sector employees will drop to 1.244 million people in 2011, to 1.207 million in 2012 and to 1.170 million employees in the following year. In 2014, the country’s public sector will have 1.135 employees.
In 2015, when the period for the enforcement of the unitary pay law in the public sector comes to an end, the number of employees will drop to 1.068 million.
Pogea said 29.5% of the total public sector staff works in the education sector, 9.8% are public servants, 9.5% are gendarmes and military staff and 1.3% account for specialized staff in the legal system.