public sector

Romanian Court-Won Wage Rights To Be Paid In Tranches Until End-2016 – Draft

The Romanian Chamber of Deputies committee for the budget decided Wednesday to extend the payment period for wage rights won in court by public sector employees until December 31, 2016, from December 31, 2012, and also to change the value of their yearly tranches.

Romanian Public Wage Rights Kept Intact This Year, Decided Through Budget In 2012 – PM

Romania's fiscal strategy was agreed upon with the EU and IMF, and does not affect current public wages or pensions, but the value of these payments in 2012 will be set through next year's budget and wage law, according to developments on foreign markets, Prime Minister Emil Boc said Friday.

Romanian President Supports Govt’s Fiscal Strategy, Says Country Needs More Public Sector Layoffs

Romanian president Traian Basescu said Friday he supports the Government’s recently adopted fiscal strategy, adding Romania would default if it keeps borrowing money to pay wages and pensions.

Romania To Keep Public Sector Hiring Frozen, Halt Bonuses, Overtime Until 2014

Romanian public sector employees will receive no vacation, gift or meal vouchers until 2014, no bonuses until 2013 and will be rewarded for overtime with free hours only, according to the Government's fiscal-budgetary strategy for 2012-2014.

Romania To Raise Public Sector Wages 15% Next Year, Says Coalition Party Head

Romania may raise public sector wages 15 next year, either at once or in tranches, Marian Sarbu, head of coalition party UNPR, told Radio France International Tuesday.

IMF: Romania May Raise Public Sector Wages After More Job Cuts

Even though the Government may consider there is room for public sector wage raises, Romania should only raise them following more job cuts layoffs, Jeffrey Franks, head of the International Monetary Fund mission to the country, said Monday.

Romanian PM Says Public Sector Reduced To 1.26M Employees

The number of employees in Romania’s public sector has been reduced to 1.261 million with the application of cost standards in public administration, Prime Minister Emil Boc said Thursday evening on public television.

Romanian PM Says Romania Has 1.27M State Employees, Layoffs To Continue

Romania had 1.27 million public sector employees in November, more than the cap agreed with the International Monetary Fund, and layoffs will continue next year for the ministries of Administration and Finance, Prime Minister Emil Boc said late Tuesday.

EXCLUSIVE: Romania Public Sector Wages To Grow Next Year But Stay 13.75% Lower Than Before Pay Cut

Base salaries in the Romanian public sector will increase by 15% in 2011 which means they will still be 13.75% lower than in June this year, when the Government slashed a quarter of state workers’ pay, according to the unitary wage bill obtained by MEDIAFAX.

Romanian Public Sector Unitary Wage Grid Won’t Apply In 2011 – Draft

The salaries of Romanian public servants will not be pegged to a wage grid in 2011, the total value of bonuses and compensation may not exceed 30% of their salary and the monthly incentives given to high performers will be capped at two base salaries per year.

Romanian Govt Might Seek Conf Vote To Pass Public Sector Wage Law

Romania’s Prime Minister Emil Boc said Tuesday the Government might seek a confidence vote in parliament to pass the IMF-required public sector wage law, but a final decision would be made within the ruling coalition.

President Says Romania Can Spend RON39B On Public Sector Salaries In 2011

Romanian President Traian Basescu said Monday evening on public television that Romania will be able to spend 39 billion lei (EUR1=RON4.2771) on public sector salaries in 2011, under the loan agreement with the International Monetary Fund.

Romania Must Continue Public Sector Restructuring Process – IMF Official

Romania must continue the process of restructuring its public sector in the upcoming years, so that, following reforms, the country's economy become more competitive and efficient, IMF mission chief Jeffrey Franks said Saturday.

World Bank: Romanian Public Sector Simply ‘Too Costly’

Romania has an inefficient, highly costly public sector and the government needs to trim administrative spending toward levels more suited for its capacity to attract revenue, the World Bank said Monday.

Romanian Public Sector Wages To Rise 10% Next Year, 13th Salary Scrapped – PM

Public sector wages in Romania will increase about 10% next year compared to the slashed levels in July if the Government eliminates the 13th monthly salary, Prime Minister Emil Boc said Wednesday on public radio.

IMF: Romania Cut 30,000 Public Sector Jobs; Teachers Are Next

Romania's Government has cut over 30,000 jobs in the public sector so far, nearly half of the 70,000 layoffs agreed with the International Monetary Fund, IMF mission chief Jeffrey Franks told MEDIAFAX Wednesday.

IMF Advises Against Romanian Public Sector Wage Hikes In ’11

Romanian authorities could increase public sector wages next year, depending on the restructuring process, but the International Monetary Fund would recommend that salaries remain at current levels, Wednesday said Jeffrey Franks, head of the IMF mission to Bucharest.

Romanian State Employees’ Wages Might Rise 7% In 2011 If 70,000 Are Laid Off – Fin Min

Romanian Finance Minister Sebastian Vladescu said Wednesday that state employees’ wages might increase by an average 7% in 2011 if 70,000 people are laid off and the state continues to pay a 13th salary.

Moody’s: Romania Should Up Public Sector Efficiency

The Romanian Government’s move to cut salaries in the public sector will reduce expenditure, but the authorities should also consider improving public sector efficiency, Moody’s said Monday.

Romanian State Employees On Full-Blown Strike Countrywide Monday

Hundreds of thousands of Romanian state employees, including teachers, doctors, police and public servants across the country are on full-blown strike Monday, in protest to the Government’s spending cut plan which lowers their wages by one fourth.

Romanian Public Sector Unionists Start Protests Over Cost Cutting Measures Thursday

Romanian unionists will stage a four-day protest starting Thursday and 1,000 people will picked the Government’s headquarters and the Presidential Palace, disgruntled with the anti-crisis measures announced by the country’s authorities.

Romania To Limit 2011 Public Sector Wage Fund To RON39B

Romania will limit the public sector salary fund for next year to 39 billion lei (EUR1=RON4.1641) by reducing the number of employees in the public sector, according to the Memorandum of Understanding between Romania and the IMF and EU.

Romania Fin Min: All Public Sector Wages Cut By 25%; New Salary Sys To Be Elaborated

Romanian Finance Minister Sebastian Vladescu said Sunday, at the end of a meeting with IMF experts, that all salaries in the public sector will be cut by 25% and a new salary system will be established in the sector until the end of 2010.

Romania Govt Focuses On Public Sector Restructuring, Not Layoffs – Fin Min

The Romanian government is not considering personnel layoffs in the public sector at the moment, Finance Minister Sebastian Vladescu said Friday, adding the talks focus on sector restructuring.

Romania’s Govt To Cut As Many Jobs As Needed To Make System Function Efficiently – Fin Minister

Romania’s Finance Minister Sebastian Vladescu said Sunday on private television ProTV the Government will cut as many jobs as the system needs to function efficiently, adding layoffs will continue until a proper balance between the public sector and the private sector is achieved.

Number Of Occupied Posts In Public Sector Dn 36,404 Since Dec 2008 – Fin Min Official

The number of occupied posts in the public sector decreased by 36,404 in the December 2008 and February 2010 interval, from 1,398,867 to 1,362,463 occupied posts, Romanian Finance Ministry secretary of state Gheorghe Gherghina said Friday.

Romanian Public Sector Workers Can’t Strike Their Way Into Wage Raises – PM

Romania’s public sector workers who believe staging strikes will get them wage raises and bonuses are wrong, Prime Minister Emil Boc said Thursday, adding raises may only be granted for efficiency and productivity and only when the economy is healthy.

Romania’s Public Sector Adjustment Takes Longer In Democracy, But Will Be Achieved – IMF Official

Romania’s public sector adjustment takes longer, as talks and debates require time in a democratic regime, but it shall be achieved, said Jeffrey Franks, head of the IMF mission to Romania.

Romania PM Asks Ministers To Present Concrete Restructuring Plans In Public Sector

Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc asked ministers to come up with concrete propositions, in maximum two weeks, meant to restructure the public institutions under their subordination, sources close to the matter told MEDIAFAX.

Romanian Public Sector Workers Threaten Full-Blown Strike For May Over Layoffs, Wage Cuts

Nearly half a million Romanian public sector workers threaten to go on a full-blown strike in May because of planned layoffs and wage cuts, a union leader told a news conference Wednesday.

Romania Cannot Raise Public Sector Wages – Fin Min

Romania’s Finance Minister Sebastian Vladescu held back any comment on the decision of public administration employees to cease work for two hours Tuesday morning disgruntled by wage cuts and planned layoffs, but highlighted the Government cannot raise salaries this year.

Romania Can’t Afford A Mercedes Benz Public Sector – IMF Official

Romanian public spending is limited and household consumption must be adjusted to the current income, an official of the International Monetary Fund said Wednesday.

Romanian Fin Min Threatens To Resign If Parliament Lowers Social Security Contributions

Romanian Finance Minister Sebastian Vladescu said Thursday, before debates in the Parliament's budget commissions, that he will resign if the Parliament approves amendments that lower social security contributions.

Romania’s Proposed Fin Min Says State Budget Entails 100,000 Public Sector Job Cuts

Romania’s 2010 state budget entails 100,000 job cuts in the public sector, proposed Finance Minister Sebastian Vladescu told lawmakers in special commissions during his hearing Tuesday.

Romanian Cos Hit Harder By Crisis Than Public Sector – Fin Min

Romanian private environment took a harder blow than the public sector in the financial crisis’ aftermath and the authorities will take measures to correct the asymmetry created, interim Finance Minister Gheorghe Pogea said Thursday.

Thousands Of Romanian Public Sector Workers Rallied Outside Govt Wednesday

About 12,000 public sector workers from all over the country rallied Wednesday outside the Romanian government demanding country leaders do something to ensure their higher pay, job stability and decent pensions.

Romanian Unionists To Continue Protests, Threaten General Strike

Romanian public sector unionists said Monday after talks at the Labor Ministry that protests will continue as none of their problems was solved and they might decide to go on general strike indefinitely.

Over 750,000 Romanian Public Sector Employees Go On General Strike Monday

Unionists in Romanian education, healthcare, public administration, law enforcement and public finance will be on general strike on Monday.

Romanian Govt To Decide Law Pack Paternity Wednesday

The Romanian government will decide on the assumption of responsibility for a law pack, including the restructuring of government agencies, the education system, public sector wages and public spending cuts, in the meeting held Wednesday.

Romanian Public Sector Has Highest Number Of Employees In Europe – Union Leader

Head of Romania’s Trade Union Bloc, Dumitru Costin, said Wednesday that 6% of the country’s population is active in the public sector, which places Romania first among European states from this perspective.