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President Says Romania Can Spend RON39B On Public Sector Salaries In 2011

Romanian President Traian Basescu said Monday evening on public television that Romania will be able to spend 39 billion lei (EUR1=RON4.2771) on public sector salaries in 2011, under the loan agreement with the International Monetary Fund.
President Says Romania Can Spend RON39B On Public Sector Salaries In 2011
Liliana Micu
02 nov. 2010, 09:40, English

Asked whether public sector wages will return to the level before the 25% cut imposed by the Government this year, Basescu said a part of the 25% reduction will be recovered in 2011. The head of state declined, however, to give a certain percentage, stressing this is not possible until the country’s unitary wage law is enforced.

Basescu also said staff cuts will be further needed in order to keep within the RON39 billion ceiling, adding public sector wages will definitely return to the level before the 25% cut if staff numbers are low enough to allow it.

The president stressed Romania has managed to get through that crisis period which could have hindered the payment of public salaries and pensions, adding the country is heading towards economic and social recovery in 2011.

Joint teams from the IMF and the Commission visited Bucharest from October 20 to November 1 to review the country’s progress under a EUR20 billion loan package.