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Romanian Public Wage Rights Kept Intact This Year, Decided Through Budget In 2012 – PM

Romania's fiscal strategy was agreed upon with the EU and IMF, and does not affect current public wages or pensions, but the value of these payments in 2012 will be set through next year's budget and wage law, according to developments on foreign markets, Prime Minister Emil Boc said Friday.
Romanian Public Wage Rights Kept Intact This Year, Decided Through Budget In 2012 - PM

Boc said the Government will determine its wage policy for next year by taking into account Romania’s growth forecast for 2012, international economic developments and budget collections.

On Thursday, the Finance Ministry published the fiscal-budgetary strategy for 2012-2014.

According to the strategy, Romanian public sector employees will receive no vacation, gift or meal vouchers until 2014, no bonuses until 2013 and will be rewarded for overtime with free hours only.

The Government will extend the deadline by which it must provide at least 6% of the GDP to the education system by two years, until 2014, arguing that it would entail an additional budgetary burden of more than 46 billion lei (over EUR10 billion) in 2012 and 2013, says the strategy.

Furthermore, certain pension raises, which would have taken effect next year, will be blocked until 2014, as the Government argues that the lack of a „sustainable framework” for the pension law’s application will increase the social security budget deficit.