Most Romanian employers associations demanded that the minimum monthly wage be set at 600 lei (EUR1=RON4.2447), while unionists demanded the minimum wage should be raised to RON705, said the prime minister, adding that the meeting scheduled for next week aims to find common ground on the matter.
Boc said the Government proposed, without making any decision on the matter, that state employees who earn smaller wages recover more of the money taken from their salaries in 2010, than those who earn higher wages.
Employers proposed Friday during talks with Labor Ministry representatives and the prime minister that the minimum monthly wage in 2011 be set at RON600 or RON640. They also proposed that, when setting the minimum wage, state employees and employees in the private sector should be considered separately.
Employers’ confederation UGIR-1903 executive president Marius Opran told MEDIAFAX that employees of central state structures would thus negotiate minimum wages with the Government, while employees in the private sector – with their employers and unionists.
Romanian state employees could get a raise of 20%, 16%, 12%, 8%, 4% or 1% starting 2011, and the increase will be set based on their monthly salary level, according to a draft frame-law regulating salaries in the public sector, which was put up for public debate this week.
The prime minister said Monday that one of the principles to be considered in the country’s draft unitary wage law concerns state employees whose salaries were cut by 25% following austerity measures, adding that public sector employees should recover a part of the money taken from their salaries in 2010.