
ManpowerGroup: Romanian Employers Forecast Steady Job Gains In Q3/2017

28% of Romanian employers plan to add to their payrolls in the July – September 2017 timeframe, according to the Q3 edition of the ManpowerGroup Employment Outlook Survey. q

Romanian Unions, Employers Refuse To Meet With PM Regarding Protests

Romania's major trade union confederations and most employers' organizations have announced they will not meet with Prime Minister Emil Boc on Tuesday in the National Social Dialog Council, which will convene in the wake of four days of protests in Bucharest and many other cities.

Romanian Unions, Employers Want To Take Over Administration Of Employment Agency

Romanian unions and employers will call on the government to let them handle the administration of the country’s employment agency ANOFM in a bid to improve the institution’s fund management.

Romanian Employers Want Bonuses For Private Sector Employees Earning Wages Below RON1,000

Romanian employers on Thursday met with Labor Minister Sulfina Barbu and proposed that employees in the private sector who gain monthly wages below 1,000 lei (about EUR232) should be granted a bonus of up to RON300, for which only social security contributions will be paid.

Romanian Tourism Still In Crisis – Industry

Romania's tourism sector has not recovered from the crisis and the number of tourists who stayed in Romanian hotels was 20% lower in the first three months of this year, compared to the same period last year, said hotel and tour agency representatives in a conference on Wednesday.

Romanian Labor Min Reminds Employers Of Advantages To Hiring Unemployed People

Romanian acting Labor Minister Emil Boc said Friday that he has ordered "a more aggressive campaign" to inform the business environment about the incentives provided to hire unemployed people, even as the jobless rate is declining.

Romanian PM Invites Unions, Employers To Talks On Labor Code After Failed Talks With Labor Min

Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc decided to invite unions and employers for talks on the new labor code Tuesday afternoon after they demanded the resignation of Labor Minister Ioan Botis.

Romanian Unions, Employers Want Labor Minister Sacked Over Talks On New Labor Code

Romanian unions and employers called on the prime minister Tuesday to fire Labor Minister Ioan Botis, disgruntled with talks on the country’s new labor code.

Romanian Employers Propose Measure Targeting Cos That Have State Budget Debts

Romanian employer organizations UGIR-1903 and CONPIROM on Sunday presented a proposition which allows companies to pay their debts to the state budget in tranches in an interval of five years and implements a series of measures to support firms that do not register debts to the state budget.

Employers In Romania To File Single Online Tax Form As Of 2011

Companies will be able, starting next year, to pay social security contributions and income taxes through a single statement, submitted online to the National Fiscal Administration Agency (ANAF), Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc announced Wednesday.

Romanian President Says Employers Make National Sport Out Of Dodging Laws

Romanian President Traian Basescu said Thursday dodging the law has become a national sport for the Romanian business environment, adding employers have a responsibility toward the state and must pay taxes and not encourage illegal labor.

Over 50,000 Firms In Romania To Go Bankrupt If Minimum Wages Hiked – SMEs Council Head

Romanian National Council of Private SMEs head Ovidiu Nicolescu said Tuesday that raising minimum wages will bankrupt at least 50,000 firms and will increase the number of unemployed people.

Romanian Employers See Hiring Frozen For Q4 2010 – Survey

Employers in Romania forecast a balanced activity on the local labor market for the last quarter of the year but are less pessimistic than in the fourth quarter of 2009, according to a survey by human resources company Manpower.

Romanian Govt To Set Minimum Monthly Wage Level Next Week – PM

The Romanian Government will set the level of the minimum monthly salary next week, after a new meeting with union representatives, Prime Minister Emil Boc said Friday.

Two Romanian Employers’ Confederations Withdraw Support Of Letter Of Intent To IMF

Romanian employers’ confederations UGIR-1903 and CONPIROM decided Monday to no longer support the Government’s letter of intent to the IMF and to abstain in the Economic and Social Committee vote Tuesday, stating that employers should not decide in the matter of pension and public sector wage cuts.

Romanian PM Says Restoring Salaries, Pensions In 2011 Will Require Public Sector Restructuring

Romania’s Government stands by its decision to curb the budget deficit through expenditure cuts, while increasing salaries and pensions in 2011 will require restructuring in the public sector and economic recovery, Prime Minister Emil Boc said on Friday.

Romanian PM Says Special Pensions Will Be Cut Like Any Other Pension

Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc said Friday that pensions provided by special laws will not be an exception to the Government’s plan to slash public spending and will be cut along with the other social pensions.

Romanian PM Meets Employers Friday For Talks On IMF Letter Of Intent

Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc meets Friday with employers’ representatives for talks on Romania's letter of intent with the International Monetary Fund, people close to the matter told MEDIAFAX.

Romanian Unions, Employers Ask Govt To Change IMF Deal And Consider Their Proposals

Romanian union and employers’ representatives on Monday asked the Government to draft a new letter of intent to the loan agreement with the International Monetary Fund and include their proposals in the new letter, stressing they firmly disagree with the recently announced salary and pensions cuts.

Romanian Govt Allows Employers To Put Employees On Furlough For 3 Months This Year

Romania’s Government on Friday passed an emergency decree allowing companies to put employees on furlough for three months instead of slashing jobs, Prime Minister Emil Boc said.

Romanian Unions, Employers Call On Govt To Allow Extended Furlough

Romania’s union confederation Cartel Alfa and employers’ association UGIR-1903 will send a letter to Prime Minister Emil Boc Thursday calling for a government emergency decree extending the allowed period for furlough from the current three months.

Romanian Govt To Impose Faster Labor Contract Registration, On EC Request

The Romanian Government has decided, on the European Commission’s request, to amend labor legislation in an effort to fight evasion, by compelling firms to register labor contracts faster - one day before work commences, instead of current 20 days from the signing of the contract.

Romanian Employers: 280,000 Employees In Public, Pvt Sectors To Be Laid Off In 2010

The secretary general of the Romanian Association of Businessmen (AOAR), Cristian Parvan, on Wednesday said 280,000 employees will be laid off in 2010 in the public and private sectors, adding forecasts regarding revenues estimated for 2010 are too optimistic.

Romanian Media Outlets Found Media Employers’ Organization

Twenty-four Romanian media outlets have formed the organization of Romanian Media Employers (PPR) Tuesday, which is an essential hurdle in Romanian media’s effort to reach professional and institutional maturity.

Romanian Employers Have Most Pessimistic Employment Outlook for Q1 2010 – Survey

Romanian employers rank last in the world with respect to their hiring plans in the January-March 2010 interval, employment service company Manpower said in a survey.

Romanian Unions Ask IMF To Keep Its Loan Money To Teach Politicians A Lesson

Romanian unions have asked the IMF not to disburse a third installment of a EUR12.95 billion bailout loan to teach politicians a lesson and employers said such a move would cause the country’s economy to collapse.

Romanian Employers Say Minimum Wage At RON705 Would Entail Massive Job Cuts

Romanian employers said Wednesday that increasing the minimum wage to 705 lei (EUR1=RON4.2995) without amending the Collective Labor Contract would be “irresponsible” and would lead to massive layoffs.

Romanian Employers To Decide On Minimum Wage After Future Govt Sets Anti-Crisis Plan

Romanian employers said Wednesday they will continue negotiations to set the minimum wage for 2010, but they will make no decision until the future Government presents them with macroeconomic figures and its anti-crisis strategy.

Romanian Unions Agree With RON705 Minimum Wage For 2010

The Romanian unions agree with a minimum wage of 705 lei (EUR1=RON 4.2766) for 2010 but only if the collective labor contract is observed, namely the minimum wage reached RON1,300 in 2014, while employers say they will analyze the matter and ask the Government for tax deductions.

Romanian Employers Agree With Minimum Wage Hike If Other Wages Freeze

Romanian employers’ associations agreed with an increase in the minimum wage provided all other wages freeze until Romania manages to overcome the economic crisis, while unionists requested that talks on this core issue should consider Romania's salary policy.

Romanian Employers Present Govt With “Anti-Crisis Decalogue”

Romanian employer representatives set the Government a "Decalogue of Anti-Crisis Measures," stating Romania’s economy is ill and needs "investment transfusions", employer representatives said after the meeting at the Government.

Minimum Salary Boost Threatens Romania’s Econ Stability – Employers

The rapid growth of the Romanian minimum salary from the current 600 lei (EUR1=RON4.1560) to RON1,600 or RON1,700 over the next 2 or 3 years and the approval of unrealistic salary grids over the next 3 to 5 years threaten economic stability, an employers confederation said.

Romanian Employers: 40,000 Small Cos Sharply Affected By Lump-Sum Tax

Romanian Employers' Organization disagrees with the government's decision to introduce the lump-sum tax, saying that it will sharply affect 40,000 small companies that will be forced to close down or find ways to declare lower revenues.

Romanian Employees To Get Holiday Tickets Based On Cos’ Pft

Romanian companies may offer holiday tickets to employees only if they reported profit for the previous fiscal year, according to a government emergency ordinance.

Romanian Labor Min, Unions, Employers Discuss Social Agreement

Romanian labor minister Marian Sarbu said Wednesday, before talks with unions and employers, that the representatives of the Executive wish to conclude a four-year social agreement with the social partners, as such an agreement is necessary for Romania.

Romanian Designate PM Calls For ‘Time Off’ On Teachers’ Pay Hike

Romania’s designate premier Emil Boc on Friday said he asked trade unions and employers’ associations for “time off” regarding the 50% pay hike for teachers, adding authorities will conduct a thorough analysis on the matter.

Romanian Labor Min Said Labor Force Is Poorly Trained

One of the real problems faced by Romanian employers is the poor training of the labor force, this being caused by the lack of motivation for education and training manifested by youth, said Romanian labor minister Paul Pacuraru.

Romanian Food Sector Employers, Unions Want Retailers Probed

Employers and unions in Romania’s food sector asked competition and consumer protection authorities for a confidential investigation of possible abuses committed by retailers with respect to suppliers