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Romanian Unions, Employers Want Labor Minister Sacked Over Talks On New Labor Code

Romanian unions and employers called on the prime minister Tuesday to fire Labor Minister Ioan Botis, disgruntled with talks on the country’s new labor code.
Romanian Unions, Employers Want Labor Minister Sacked Over Talks On New Labor Code
Oana Gavrila
18 ian. 2011, 11:40, English

Representatives of unions and employers said Tuesday after talks on the labor code bill that the minister doesn’t take into account the propositions of social partners, which makes it impossible for negotiations to continue.

„There’s no point in wasting any more time with a minister who doesn’t consider the propositions of social partners,” said Cartel Alfa union federation leader Bogdan Hossu.

The head of Romania’s employers’ association in industry UGIR-1903, Cezar Corici, said the new labor code bill targets the elimination of unions and employers’ associations, which, he said, places Romania outside the principles of democracy.