Prima pagină » English » Romanian Senate Committees Reject Journalism Bill, Call For New Act With Input From Journalists

Romanian Senate Committees Reject Journalism Bill, Call For New Act With Input From Journalists

The Romanian Senate’s committees for human rights and legal matters on Tuesday rejected a bill on journalism set forth by senator Ioan Ghise, of the opposition Liberal Party.
Romanian Senate Committees Reject Journalism Bill, Call For New Act With Input From Journalists
Ioana Tudor
22 mart. 2011, 14:48, English

The committees said a draft law regulating this activity should be drawn up together with journalists and agreed to draft a new bill with input from associations of journalists and the Romanian Press Club.

Human rights committee head Gyorgy Frunda said associations of journalists will be invited to put forward propositions for a new journalism law, adding debates might take place in May.

In September 2010, Ghise submitted at the Senate a bill which set journalism practice norms similar to those applied in the case of lawyers. The act stated journalists would undergo annual psychological examinations and will be required a „journalist card”.

The draft law was criticized by both journalists and lawmakers.