
Romanian Court-Won Wage Rights To Be Paid In Tranches Until End-2016 – Draft

The Romanian Chamber of Deputies committee for the budget decided Wednesday to extend the payment period for wage rights won in court by public sector employees until December 31, 2016, from December 31, 2012, and also to change the value of their yearly tranches.

Romanian Lower House Committee Draws Up New Report On Stray Dog Bill

The Romanian Chamber of Deputies’ public administration committee on Wednesday drew up a new report on a draft law regarding stray dogs, and decided local authorities may take any measure concerning stray dogs, including euthanize them, only after they consult the citizens.

Romanian President Can Be Impeached Only By Majority Of Registered Voters – Draft

The Romanian Chamber of Deputies committee for legal matters on Wednesday adopted a bill by the Democratic Liberal Party, amending the referendum law, so that the President of Romania could be impeached only with the votes of the majority of registered voters.

Some 10,000 Romanian Interior Ministry Employees To Be Sacked In Next Two Months

Romanian Interior Minister Traian Igas said Wednesday 10,000 Interior Ministry employees will be laid off in the next two months, including employees of the institution’s central apparatus.

Romanian Lower House Committee OKs Bill On Stray Dogs

The Romanian Chamber of Deputies’ public administration committee on Tuesday adopted a bill whereby stray dogs will be kept in pounds for 30 days and local authorities will decide whether to neuter or euthanize them.

Romanian Senate Committees Reject Journalism Bill, Call For New Act With Input From Journalists

The Romanian Senate’s committees for human rights and legal matters on Tuesday rejected a bill on journalism set forth by senator Ioan Ghise, of the opposition Liberal Party.

Romanian Senate Committee Rejects Decree Recalculating Military Pensions

The committee for legal matters in the Romanian Senate on Tuesday recommended the Senate plenary reject a Government emergency decree recalculating pensions of former military staff.

Romanian Senate Committee Approves Copayment System For Public Healthcare

Romania’s Senate committee for healthcare on Tuesday endorsed the bill introducing a copayment system for public healthcare services.

Romanian Senate Committee Rejects Bill Forcing Radios To Play Romanian Music

Romania’s Senate committee for culture on Tuesday recommended that the plenum reject a bill that would force local radio stations to play Romanian music for 40% of their music playing air time.

Romanian Lower Chamber Committee Sets Retirement Age To 60 For Women, 64 For Men

The opposition parties in the Romanian Chamber of Deputies' committee for labor voted Monday in favor of setting the standard retirement age to 60 for women and 64 for men.

Teaching Of History, Geography In Minority Languages Eliminated From Romanian Education Bill

The Romanian Senate’s education committee has proposed to eliminate from the country's education bill the provision setting that history and geography will be taught in national minorities' languages in secondary schools and high schools with minority language teaching.

Romanian Lower Chamber Rejects Opposition Request For Committee On Pension Bill Vote

Romanian deputies belonging to the opposition requested Tuesday that a committee be set up to investigate the final vote on the pension bill, which took place in the Chamber of Deputies on September 15, but their request was rejected by the plenum.

Romanian Lower Chamber Committee For Labor Sets Pension Point To 45% Of Gross Average Wage

The Romanian Chamber of Deputies’ Committee for labor matters on Tuesday adopted the report on the pension bill, setting the pension point’s value to 45% of the gross average wage, an amendment put forward by the opposition.

Romanian Lower Chamber Legal Committee Adopts Restored Integrity Agency Bill

The committee for legal matters of the Romanian Chamber of Deputies unanimously adopted the bill on the National Integrity Agency, which includes provisions previously rejected by the Senate and which will be debated in a special Chamber plenary meeting on August 16.

Romanian Union Leaders Required To Submit Wealth Statements – Amended Integrity Bill

The committee for legal matters of the Romanian Chamber of Deputies decided Tuesday, during debates on the National Integrity Agency bill, to make it mandatory for union leaders and members of the Economic and Social Council to submit wealth statements.

Romanian Parl Legal Committee Purges Unconstitutional Provisions From Austerity Law Pack

The joint committee for legal matters in Romania’s Parliament adopted Monday evening favorable reports on the austerity law package, eliminating the articles slashing or recalculating public pensions which were ruled unconstitutional by the Constitutional Court.

Romanian Govt Sets Up Committee To Fight Illegal Employment

Romania’s Government will set up an inter-ministry committee against illegal employment, which will coordinate the monitoring, prevention, evaluation and combat against undeclared activities, on the basis of information passed on by relevant bodies.

Romanian Lawmakers Approve Setting Up Of Constitution Revision Committee

Romanian lawmakers on Tuesday adopted with four abstentions the draft decision on the setting up of a common committee to revise the country’s Constitution.

Romanian Liberals Want Investigation Of Public Contracts Won By Ruling Party Sponsors

Romanian liberal leader Crin Antonescu announced Wednesday that his party intends to set up a special Senate committee to investigate the connection between the ruling Democratic Liberal Party’s financiers and certain public work contracts they were awarded.

Romanian Senate Headship OKs Setup Of Committee To Check Transp Min Activity

The Romanian Senate’s Standing Office on Tuesday approved the setting up of a committee to look into the activity unfolded by the country’s Transport Ministry from 2005 to 2009.

Romanian Social Democrats Call For Parliament Inquiry Committee To Check Election

Romanian social democrat leader Mircea Geoana said Monday party leaders decided to call for the creation of a Parliament inquiry committee to look into the organization of the presidential election runoff, which incumbent Traian Basescu won at a difference of less than one percentage point.

Romanian Lawmakers Reject Request To Suspend Chamber Of Deputies’ Speaker

Romania's Chamber of Deputies committee for legal matters rejected Tuesday 14 to nine votes and one abstention the request of social democrats and liberals to suspend Chamber Speaker Roberta Anastase for 30 days.

Romanian Presidential Committee Proposes Legal Prostitution, Clean Needle Programs

Romanian Presidential Committee for the Analysis of Social and Demographic Risks proposes, in a report launched Tuesday, the disincrimination of drug consumption and the legalization of prostitution, claiming this would reduce, under certain conditions, several public health risks.

Romanian Ex Youth Min Files Criminal Complaint Against Inquiry Committee

Romanian former youth minister Monica Iacob Ridzi filed a criminal complaint with the General Prosecutors' Office against the members of the parliament inquiry committee that investigated the manner in which the "Youth Days" event was organized.

Romanian Tourism Min Inquiry Comm Requests Criminal Probe

Romanian MP Ludovic Orban, chairman of the committee investigating expenses approved by the Ministry of Tourism, said the committee’s final report specifically recommends the initiation of criminal investigations against tourism minister Elena Udrea.

Romanian Tourism Minister Accuses Parliament Inquiry Committee Of Breaking Laws

Romanian tourism minister Elena Udrea on Tuesday left the parliamentary inquiry committee investigating her spending of public money before the meeting was over and accused the committee of functioning illegally.

Romanian Tourism Min Demands Replacement Of Inquiry Committee Members

Romanian Tourism Minister Elena Udrea said Thursday she will not appear before the inquiry committee investigating the expenses made by the Tourism Ministry unless the members of the committee are replaced.

Romanian Tourism Min To Appear Before Inquiry Committee On Sep 1

Romanian Tourism Minister Elena Udrea is expected to appear before the parliamentary committee investigating the public expenses made by the Tourism Ministry, on September 1.

Romanian PM To Coordinate Mediation Committee On Education Laws

Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc on Wednesday said he will coordinate a committee to come up with common solutions for the set of laws on education,that will bring face-to-face education minister Ecaterina Andronescu, head of the presidential commission for education Mircea Miclea and their experts.

Romania Chamber Speaker To Request Udrea Committee Suspension

Romanian Chamber Speaker Roberta Anastase said Monday she will propose in the Chamber of Deputies’ Standing Office the suspension of the activity at the Udrea Committee.

Romanian Udrea Committee To Continue Works Tuesday

The president of the Romanian public procurement regulator ANRMAP, Cristina Traila, is expected Tuesday for hearings within the Udrea Committee.

Romanian Tourism Min To Be Heard By Parliament Committee On Aug 20

The Romanian Parliament investigation committee analyzing the expenses of the Ministry of Tourism decided Wednesday that tourism minister Elena Udrea is to be heard on August 20, according to the committee president, liberal Ludovic Orban.

Parliamentary Inquiry Committee To Hear Media Representatives Next Tuesday

The parliamentary committee investigating Romanian tourism ministry Elena Udrea decided to hear next week the representatives of the dailies that wrote about the alleged illegal public spending made by the Tourism Ministry.

Romanian Democrat Liberals Ask Coalition Partners To Give Up Investigation On Tourism Min

The Romanian Democrat Liberal Party asked the Social Democratic Party in a “quite firm” manner to give up the parliamentary committee investigating tourism minister Elena Udrea and to “leave her alone”, sources attending the meeting of the coalition told MEDIAFAX Monday.

Parliamentary Committee Investigating Tourism Min To Meet On Aug 4

The parliamentary committee investigating Romanian tourism minister Elena Udrea will meet on August 4 at 11 a.m. for its first meeting, head of the committee, liberal lawmaker Ludovic Orban told MEDIAFAX Wednesday.

Romanian Parl Comm Ends Hearings In Nemirschi Case, Conclusions Due Aug 10

The Romanian parliament committee probing the legitimacy of an EUR500,000 public contract assigned by environment minister Nicolae Nemirschi said on Monday that it has finished the hearings in the case and will present its report on August 10.

Romanian Lower House Approves Report Of Committee Investigating Ex-Youth Min

Romanian Chamber of Deputies approved by majority of votes a decision adopting the report of the committee investigating former youth and sport minister Monica Ridzi, which asks the Government, the Competition Council and the Court of Accounts to check the spending of public funds for Youth Day.

Romanian Govt Coalition To Appoint Committee For Pres Elections Law

Romanian Democratic Liberal Party (PDL) vice president Gheorghe Flutur said the Government coalition decided to create a committee, formed of Dan Nica, Viorel Hrebenciuc, Vasile Blaga and Mircea Toader, to develop, by the beginning of the Parliament session, a draft law on the presidential elections

Romanian Social Democrats Back Parliamentary Investigation For Tourism Min

Romania’s Social Democratic Party supports the setting up of a parliamentary committee to investigate tourism minister Elena Udrea, party spokesperson Bogdan Niculescu Duvaz said on Saturday, pointing to the case of former sports minister Monica Iacob Ridzi.

Romania’s Ruling Coalition To Set Up Anti-Crisis Committee – Deputy PM

Romania’s deputy prime minister Dan Nica on Monday said the country’s ruling coalition decided to set up a committee, run by social democrat minister for SMEs, Constantin Nita, and democrat liberal economy minister, Adriean Videanu, which will closely analyze social democrats’ anti-crisis measures.