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Romanian Foreign Affairs Min Announces New ID Acknowledgment System

Romanian foreign affairs minister Cristian Diaconescu announced Sunday in a press conference that the system for the real time checking of personal data by Romanian Consulates abroad will become operational on July 1.
Romanian Foreign Affairs Min Announces New ID Acknowledgment System
21 iun. 2009, 14:11, English

Officials of the Consular Affairs Department within the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, present at the conference, tested the system by inputting the personal numeric code of a reporter.

"Basically, through this system, we solve the waiting times, spending and irritation of citizens found in special situations, when they need to have travelling requests solved or driving licenses acknowledged," Diaconescu said.

The Ministry announced on May 26 that it has initiated a project to create a system that allows the confirmation of identity and the real time issue of documents required by Romanians abroad at the consular sections of the diplomatic missions and consular offices of Romania.