
Romanian PM Ungureanu To Take Over Environment Ministry Temporarily

Romanian Prime Minister Mihai Razvan Ungureanu has confirmed that Environment Minister Laszlo Borbely handed in his resignation Thursday, and announced he will take over the ministry in an acting capacity until a replacement is appointed.

Ministry Of European Affairs Can Prevent Romania From Losing EU Funds – PM

The Ministry of European Affairs will give a boost to EU fund absorption and prevent Romania from losing these funds, therefore the Parliament's vote to create the new ministry is in the country's interest, said Prime Minister Emil Boc.

Romanian PM Sends Proposition For European Affairs Minister To Parliament

Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc has sent the Parliament the proposition to set up the Ministry for European Affairs, the Government said in a press release Wednesday.

EXCLUSIVE: Romanian PM Might Propose Setting Up Ministry For EU Funds This Week

Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc this week might put forward a proposition to set up a Ministry for European Funds, democrat liberal MP Sulfina Barbu told MEDIAFAX.

Dozens Protest Rosia Montana Gold Mining Project As Romanian Culture Ministry Issues Key Permit

A few dozen people protested Tuesday outside Romania's Culture Ministry in Bucharest against its approval of the archaeological discharge certificate for the Carnic mountain at Rosia Montana, and called for minister Hunor Kelemen's resignation.

Romania’s New Ministry To Manage EU Fund Coordination, Audit Authorities – Sources

Romania's proposed Ministry of European Affairs will manage the Structural Instrument Coordination Authority (ACIS) and, probably, the Audit Authority attached to the Court of Accounts, but not the individual ministries' project management authorities.

EU Welcomes Any Initiative To Improve Romania’s Regional Fund Absorption

The European Commission said Tuesday that any initiative to improve Romania's absorption of regional funds is welcome.

Romania, Facebook Work Together To Promote Country As Tourist Destination

Romania’s Tourism Ministry will collaborate with social networking website Facebook to promote the country as a tourist destination, minister Elena Udrea told a news conference Tuesday.

Romanian Development Min To Sell State-Made Homes Cheap

Homes made by the Romanian National Housing Agency (ANL), meant to be rented by young people, will be sold at prices below EUR19,140 for a studio, below EUR26,950 for two rooms and below EUR36,014 for three-room apartments.

Romanian Education Unionists Call On Ministry To Issue Order Regulating Wage System

The secretary general of the National Federation of Free Unions in Education (FSLI), Liviu Pop, on Tuesday said it is highly necessary to clear out salary issues in the education sector immediately, adding the federation has called on the Education Ministry to issue an order and regulate the matter.

Romania’s Culture Ministry Requests Nearly RON690M From State Budget In 2010

Romania’s Culture Ministry requests nearly 690 million lei (EUR1=RON4.1997) from the state budget to unfold its activity in 2010, according to the ministry’s 2010 draft budget.

AH1N1 Flu In Romania: 137 New Infections, 3,112 Total Cases

Romania’s Health Ministry on Sunday confirmed other 137 new infections with the AH1N1 virus over the past 24 hours, bringing the total number of cases to 3,112, and strongly recommended ill people postpone planned trips.

Romanian Interim Health Min Keeps Streinu-Cercel As State Secretary

Romania's interim Health Minister Adriean Videanu told MEDIAFAX Thursday that secretary of state Adrian Streinu-Cercel will remain in his position at the Ministry of Health.

Romania’s Ex Interior Min Appointed His Intelligence Chief Wihtout PM Approval – Pres

Romanian president Traian Basescu told national radio station RRA that former social democrat interior minister Dan Nica did not ask for the prime minister’s approval when appointing the managers leaders of Interior Ministry intelligence.

Romanian Transport Min Sets Annual Danube Bridge Pass Fees

The annual pass used to cross the bridge over the Danube, at Cernavoda-Fetesti, will cost 400 lei (EUR1=RON4.2782) for 50 crossings by car and RON2,720 for trucks weighing more than 12 tons and with at least 12 axels, according to an announcement made by the Romanian Ministry of Transport.

Romanian Democrat Liberals, Justice Ministry Refuse To Sign Pact On Justice

Representatives of the Romanian Ministry of Justice and of the ruling coalition Democratic Liberal Party (PDL) announced Thursday, within a meeting organized at the initiative of several NGOs, that they will not sign a Pact on Justice.

Romanian Tourism Min Inquiry Comm Requests Criminal Probe

Romanian MP Ludovic Orban, chairman of the committee investigating expenses approved by the Ministry of Tourism, said the committee’s final report specifically recommends the initiation of criminal investigations against tourism minister Elena Udrea.

Romanian Environ Min Proposes 3 For 1 Offer In Car Park Renewal Program

Romania’s Environment Ministry proposed the introduction of vouchers worth 3,800 lei (EUR1=RON4.2372) for scrapping cars that are more than ten years old, and one buyer can use up to three such vouchers to buy a new vehicle, the ministry said Wednesday.

Romanian Health Min Sees New Healthcare Pay Grid As Fair

Romanian health minister Ion Bazac said Friday that the salary grid for healthcare staff, as recently amended, has reached a fair format, and this is the first time salaries take into consideration professional training and experience.

Romania’s Govt Eyes Agreements Btw Central, Local Authorities, Unions To Avoid „Useless Conflicts”

Romanian ministries will set by the end of September minimum quality and cost standards for the public decentralized services and will also identify clearly the responsibilities to avoid “useless conflicts of interest”, according to a document approved by the government.

Aurel Cazacu Quits Top Position In Romania’s Economy Min

Aurel Cazacu, head of Romania’s General Department for Defense Industry and Special Problems, accepted to submit his resignation at the request of economy minister Adriean Videanu, following the events he was involved in, according to an official statement of the ministry.

Romanian Govt Gives Transport Min RON7.5M For Railway Repairs In C Romania

The Romanian Government could increase this year’s budget for the Ministry of Transport by 7.5 million lei (EUR1=RON4.2216) for works on the Brasov-Podu Olt railway line, which was damaged by heavy rain in July.

Romanian Tourism Ministry To Sue Liberal Ludovic Orban For Slander

Romania's Tourism Ministry will sue liberal Ludovic Orban, president of the inquiry committee investigating the ministry's public spending, for slander and abuse of office after he said none of the advertisement expenses made by the Tourism Ministry were legal.

Appeals Court: Romania Fin Min To Pay Some RON1.5M Salary Rights To High Court Staff

The Bucharest Court of Appeals on Friday ruled that Romania’s Finance Ministry and the Court Of Accounts must pay salary rights of nearly 1.5 million lei (EUR1=RON4.2325) to Supreme Court magistrates and auxiliary staff.

Romanian President Says Country Won’t Need Tourism Ministry In A Few Years

Romanian President Traian Basescu said Monday that Romania probably won’t need a Ministry of Tourism in a few years, when a government agency promoting Romania internationally will do.

Romanian Magistrates File Complaint Against Justice Min

The president of the Romanian Magistrates Association (AMR), Mona Pivniceru, said she will file a complaint against justice minister Catalin Predoiu at the Prosecution Office within the High Court of Justice, claiming the minister issued “a memo that defies the law”.

Romanian Agriculture Ministry Cuts Staff Down To Half – Minister

Romania’s Ministry of Agriculture will cut to half the number of staff in its central apparatus, to 300 employees from the more than 600 currently employed, agriculture minister Ilie Sarbu said Wednesday.

Romanian Pensioners Earning Less Than RON1,500 Should Not Contribute To Public Healthcare

Romanian pensioners requested that people with pensions below 1,500 lei (EUR1=RON4.1892) be exempt from contributing to public health services and asked the Health Ministry to explain what the contribution entails.

Romanian Foreign Affairs Min Announces New ID Acknowledgment System

Romanian foreign affairs minister Cristian Diaconescu announced Sunday in a press conference that the system for the real time checking of personal data by Romanian Consulates abroad will become operational on July 1.

Romanian Constitutional Court Sees No Legal Conflict Btw Govt, CSM

The Romanian Constitutional Court noted Wednesday that the aspects notified by the High Council of Magistrates (CSM) do not fit within the parameters of a legal conflict of constitutional nature.

Romanian Justice Minister To Reorganize Ministry

Romanian justice minister Catalin Predoiu announced Thursday he has decided to reorganize the Ministry of Justice, in order to render it more efficient, adding those who are competent will stay while those who are not will leave, and this could cut spending by over EUR1 million.

Romania’s New Fiscal Code To Be Approved In 2H Of ’09 – Fin Min

The Romanian Fiscal Code will be approved in the second half of the year, after talks with social partners, said Wednesday finance minister Gheorghe Pogea.

Romanian Health Ministry To Regulate Legal Hallucinogenic Substances

The Romanian Ministry of Health, together with the National Anti-drug Agency and the Ministry of Agriculture, will analyze the situation of products with hallucinogenic effect, those not included on the list of controlled substances, since in Romania there are now several shops selling such items.

Romanian Interior Min Intelligence Dept Needs New Employees, Not Layoffs – Minister

Romanian interior minister Dan Nica said Friday that there will not be any people fired from the intelligence department within the Ministry of Interior (DGIPI), since there are hundreds of positions vacant and these positions need to be filled.

Romanian Antibiotice Iasi Deemed Strategic Unit, Transferred To Health Min

Romanian state-owned drugmaker Antibiotice Iasi SA (ATB.RO) will be transferred to the Health Ministry, which will take over the majority stake the country’s privatization authority AVAS holds in the drugmaker, according to Iasi mayor Gheorhe Nichita.

Romanian Defense Ministry Included In Weapon Heist Trial

Romanian military judges decided, Thursday, to include the Ministry of National Defense in the case file where 11 soldiers are indicted in the Ciorogarla weapon heist.

Romanian Econ Min, AVAS To Aid Struggling State-Owned Cos

Romanian privatization authority AVAS and the Ministry of Economy will be able to financially support the struggling companies in the state’s portfolio through loans, subsidy and working capital infusions, as well as the increase of capital with the value of debts.

Romanian Justice Min Answers Ex PM Statements

The Romanian Ministry of Justice refused to comment the statements made by liberal leader Calin Tariceanu according to which justice minister Catalin Predoiu would resign when the four codes are adopted.

Romanian Tourism Min Changes Headquarters

The headquarters of the Romanian Ministry of Tourism was moved in the Ministry of Transport building, after functioning, in the past two months, in the building of the Ministry for SMEs, Commerce and the Business Environment.

Romanian Agric Min Finds Flaws In Agric Payment Agency Procedures

The computer system of the Romanian Agency for Payments in Agriculture, used for the processing of payment requests, is flawed, file completion deadlines are pushed back and employee attributions overlap, according to an analysis of the Ministry of Agriculture.