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Romanian Justice Minister To Reorganize Ministry

Romanian justice minister Catalin Predoiu announced Thursday he has decided to reorganize the Ministry of Justice, in order to render it more efficient, adding those who are competent will stay while those who are not will leave, and this could cut spending by over EUR1 million.
Romanian Justice Minister To Reorganize Ministry
28 mai 2009, 14:54, English

Predoiu said the Government approved the draft decision on the reorganization and functioning of the Ministry of Justice, including the new organizational chart.

"The basic principle of the reorganization is the optimization of administrative flows and the setting of activity on the institutional pillars, following the European model. It is time for cleaning in the ministry. Those who are competent will stay, while those who are not will go, and those who stay will receive fair pay," Predoiu said, adding his aim was to reduce useless positions.

The dignitary estimated reorganization measures will allow the Ministry of Justice to reduce over EUR1 million from the annual budget.

He explained his reorganization actions through the fact that he asked the judicial system to put up with crisis measures, so the institution he runs needed to abide by the same policy.

The minister said the reorganization will remove all 14 deputy director positions, one director position will become a department chief position and the deputy secretary general was removed because it was useless.

Predoiu explained the removal of said positions will bring a reduction in spending worth some EUR400,000 per year, while the fact that he halted detachments brought a reduction of EUR38,000 per month.

In addition, the dignitary said he removed 60 positions from the ministry’s organizational chart, which he transferred to courts, in a measure meant to help the judicial system, “which greatly needs magistrates.”