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Romanian Govt Gives Transport Min RON7.5M For Railway Repairs In C Romania

The Romanian Government could increase this year’s budget for the Ministry of Transport by 7.5 million lei (EUR1=RON4.2216) for works on the Brasov-Podu Olt railway line, which was damaged by heavy rain in July.
Romanian Govt Gives Transport Min RON7.5M For Railway Repairs In C Romania
18 aug. 2009, 13:38, English

"The funds provisioned are used for expertise services, design and performance of works needed to reopen train traffic in near the bridge at kilometer 99+396, on line 205 Brasov-Podu Olt, which was damaged by the natural calamities occurring in July 2009," reads a draft Government decision developed by the Ministry of Transport.

The sum will come from the Intervention Fund at the disposal of the Government.

Heavy rain in the last ten days of July has damaged the railroad infrastructure on the route Brasov-Podul Olt, thus at the moment traffic is closed between the stations Arpas-Porumbacu because alluvial waters have shifter an element of the bridge at kilometer 99.