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Romania’s Govt Eyes Agreements Btw Central, Local Authorities, Unions To Avoid „Useless Conflicts”

Romanian ministries will set by the end of September minimum quality and cost standards for the public decentralized services and will also identify clearly the responsibilities to avoid “useless conflicts of interest”, according to a document approved by the government.
Romania’s Govt Eyes Agreements Btw Central, Local Authorities, Unions To Avoid
26 aug. 2009, 20:56, English

The institutions that will set the standards are the Interior Ministry and the Ministries of Education, Labor, Health, Culture, Environment, Transport, Agriculture and Youth and Sports.

The document highlights the risk of conflicts of interest in a system with numerous factors, namely the ministries, the local authorities, local and central public authorities, as well as multiple professional requirements, which can be avoided by a clear description of the role of each institution, as well as by setting clear rules of cooperation and decision making.

The problem can be avoided by concluding protocols between the coordinating ministry, the local authorities and unions and by clearly establishing the attributions.

“Only when all those involved know what to supply and what to expect, respectively, useless conflict can be avoided,” the document read.