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Romanian Health Min Sees New Healthcare Pay Grid As Fair

Romanian health minister Ion Bazac said Friday that the salary grid for healthcare staff, as recently amended, has reached a fair format, and this is the first time salaries take into consideration professional training and experience.
Romanian Health Min Sees New Healthcare Pay Grid As Fair
28 aug. 2009, 13:41, English

 "As promised in the beginning of negotiations, we are making efforts to maintain the professional dignity of those working in healthcare. With the current economic and social situation in the background, I feel the salary grid for healthcare staff, as recently amended, has reached a fair format that creates the basis for the development of a professional career," Bazac said, quoted in a press release issued Friday by the Ministry of Health.

According to Bazac, while the quotients for many social categories have been reduced, the Ministry of Health has managed to bring the primary doctor profession to quotients between 4.20 and 5.25, depending on seniority. Negotiations started from quoetients between 4.05 and 5.10.

In addition, the specialist doctor, which is the profession with the widest spread in medical units, will receive quotients between 3.30 and 4.15.

Additionally, doctors can receive bonuses for working conditions, worth up to 30% of the base salary, as well as revenues from rounds performed.