
Forty Students Require Medical Assistance after Pest Control Action at Arad German High School

At least 40 students from the Adam Muller Guttenbrun High School in Arad required medical assistance on Monday and Tuesday, after they were intoxicated with an unknown substance following a pest control action at the institution.

Former President Ion Iliescu Diagnosed with Pericarditis – Sources

Former Romanian President Ion Iliescu was hospitalized on Monday due to pericarditis, a disease which causes inflammation of the fibrous sack surrounding the heart, medical sources told MEDIAFAX.

Bucharest Pulmonology Institute Faces Nosocomial Infection Crisis

Two patients hospitalized at the “Marius Nasta” Pulmonology and Phtisiology Institute in Bucharest died this week due to nosocomial infection with an antibiotic-resistant bacteria, while three others were also diagnosed with the infection, two of which are in serious condition.

Flu Epidemic Death Toll Reaches 109

Two more people were confirmed on Tuesday to have died because of influenza, raising the death toll of Romania’s current flu epidemic to 109.

Flu Epidemic: Death Toll Reaches 95

Two more people died from flu on Thursday, according to Romania’s National Public Health Institute (INSP), bringing the current epidemic’s death toll to 95.

Three More Die As Flu Epidemic Death Toll Hits 92

The death toll of Romania’s ongoing flu epidemic hit 92 on Thursday, after three more men were announced to have succumbed to the vrus.

Health Minister: Analysis Shows Bucharest Tap Water Chemicals Within Admitted Limits

Romanian Health Minister Sorina Pintea announced on Monday that analysis made on tap water in Bucharest showed that chemical substances were within admitted concentration limits, but that some of them were found to be close to the maximum limits.

Health Minister: Bucharest Tap Water Chlorine Levels Within Admitted Limits

Romanian Health Minister Sorina Pintea announced on Wednesday that tap water analysis from districts of Bucharest which reported unclean water showed chlorine concentration within admitted limits, but recommended caution until a microbiologic analysis is finished.

Health Minister: We Will Decide Next Week Whether To Declare Flu Epidemic

Romanian Health Minister Sorina Pintea announced on Friday that the ministry will decide next week whether to declare a flu epidemic, with a report of the recent growth in cases to be discussed on Wednesday.

Health Minister: Regional Hospitals To Be Built After 2021

A number of three planned regional hospitals will enter construction only after 2021, so that they could benefit from the EU’s 2021-2027 co-financing mechanisms, Romanian Health Minister Sorana Pintea announced on Tuesday.

Romania To Adopt Clawback Tax, Allot RON150M For Healthcare Next Week – PM

Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc on Wednesday asked the new Health Minister, Ladislau Ritli, to present a bill on the clawback tax next week and complete the C2 list of generic drugs, after which the Government will allot the ministry 150 million lei (EUR35 million) from the reserve fund.

Romanian Govt To Regulate Healthcare Clawback Tax By End-August

Romania's Government will regulate the clawback in the healthcare system by the end of August, through a decision or emergency ordinance, Prime Minister Emil Boc said Thursday.

Romanian Health Ministry’s Budget Raised by RON6.2M For Stem Cell Donors Registry

The budget of the Romanian Health Ministry has been raised by 6.2 million lei (EUR1=RON4.0858) and its staff numbers by 24 people to ensure the functioning of the country’s stem cell donors registry, Prime Minister Emil Boc said after the Cabinet meeting Wednesday.

Romanian Opp Liberal Party To File Five Motions On Healthcare

Romania's opposition Liberal Party will file five simple motions on healthcare, in the following weeks, former Health Minister Eugen Nicolaescu said Friday in a press conference.

Romanian Local Health Insurance Houses To Get 60% Of Local Healthcare Contributions

Romania’s Government Tuesday approved an emergency decree directing 60% of the money collected as healthcare contributions to local county health insurance houses and the difference will be used to cover medical services in certain counties and investments for health insurance houses.

Romanian Health, Interior Ministry Teams To Carry Out Fire Prevention Checkups in Hospitals

Romania’s Health Ministry and the Interior Ministry will check up hospitals countrywide to see if they are properly equipped to prevent fire, Health Minister Attila Cseke said Wednesday evening on private television Realitatea TV.

Romanian Health Ministry To Cut 84 Management Positions In Public Health Depts

Romania’s Health Ministry has submitted for debate a draft order that will restructure public health departments by eliminating 84 coordinating deputy manager positions countrywide, says a Ministry press release issued Saturday.

Romanian Private Hospital Mkt Expected To Grow In 2010

The Romanian co-payment system, medical tourism and private health insurance will encourage companies to build hospitals, and medical service suppliers plan investments worth EUR200 million in the next two years.

Romanian Lower Chamber Rejects Simple Motion Against Health Min

The Romanian Chamber of Deputies rejected Tuesday, with 124 cons, 95 pros and seven abstentions the simple motion initiated by 54 liberal (PNL) MPs against Health Minister Cseke Attila.

Romania Health Insurance House Has No Funds To Cover Compensated, Free Drugs – Producers

Romania’s Health Insurance House CNAS has no funds to cover compensated and free medicine in 2010, as its budget can only pay last year’s overdue debts of 2.800 million lei (EUR1=RON4.0923), Romanian Association of International Medicine Producers (ARPIM) director Dan Zaharescu said Friday.

Romanian Interim Health Min Keeps Streinu-Cercel As State Secretary

Romania's interim Health Minister Adriean Videanu told MEDIAFAX Thursday that secretary of state Adrian Streinu-Cercel will remain in his position at the Ministry of Health.

Romanian Health Min Sees New Healthcare Pay Grid As Fair

Romanian health minister Ion Bazac said Friday that the salary grid for healthcare staff, as recently amended, has reached a fair format, and this is the first time salaries take into consideration professional training and experience.

Romanian Doctors Should Earn At Least RON5,000 – Health Minister

Romanian health minister Ion Bazac said Friday that the “decent minimum wage” of a doctor should amount to 5,000 lei (EUR1=RON4.2116).

Romanian Pensioners Earning Less Than RON1,500 Should Not Contribute To Public Healthcare

Romanian pensioners requested that people with pensions below 1,500 lei (EUR1=RON4.1892) be exempt from contributing to public health services and asked the Health Ministry to explain what the contribution entails.

Romanian Hospitals To Be Managed By Local Authorities As Of 2010

Romanian hospitals and public health offices will be converted to Medical Assistance Offices and transferred to the management of local authorities as of January 1, 2010, through a law package which will enter force on September 1, Health Minister Ion Bazac said.

Romanian Health Ministry To Regulate Legal Hallucinogenic Substances

The Romanian Ministry of Health, together with the National Anti-drug Agency and the Ministry of Agriculture, will analyze the situation of products with hallucinogenic effect, those not included on the list of controlled substances, since in Romania there are now several shops selling such items.

Romanian Antibiotice Iasi Deemed Strategic Unit, Transferred To Health Min

Romanian state-owned drugmaker Antibiotice Iasi SA (ATB.RO) will be transferred to the Health Ministry, which will take over the majority stake the country’s privatization authority AVAS holds in the drugmaker, according to Iasi mayor Gheorhe Nichita.

Romanians’ Contribution To Public Health Insurance Might Increase To 6-6.5% This Year

The Romanian Ministry of Health intends to increase the social health insurance contributions (CASS) from 5.2-5.5% of employees' gross wage to 6-6.5%, a move that will add RON2.7 billion to the social health insurance budget, state secretary Aurel Nechita said Wednesday.

Romanian Rock Band Iris Frontman In Germany For Medical Tests

Cristi Minculescu, the lead singer of Romanian rock band Iris, is currently in Germany for medical tests regarding a hereditary illness, band drummer Nelu Dumitrescu, told MEDIAFAX.

Romanian Tennis Player Andrei Pavel Ends Career At 35

Romanian tennis player Andrei Pavel announced he is ending his sports career after he abandoned an Australian Open match against Andy Murray because of severe back pain.

Romanian Medicine Distributors, Importers Demand Imported Drug Price Recalculation

Romanian medicine distributors warned that the situation of imported medicine found on the compensated list and included in the National Programs is not solved, and demanded the immediate recalculation of the price for the mentioned products.

Romanian Medicine Distributors Cease Deliveries, Pharmacies Near Stock-Outs

The National Council of the Romanian Pharmacists’ College announced that medicine distributors halted deliveries as the prices of medicine are struck by the Romanian currency’s depreciation, and medicine stocks are about to be depleted.

Romanian Health Min To Temporarily Fill Labor Min Position

Romanian health minister Eugen Nicolaescu told MEDIAFAX Tuesday that he accepted the prime minister’s proposition and will also fill the position of labor minister temporarily.

Romanian Health Min Says New Abortion Law Might Be Necessary

Romanian health minister Eugen Nicolaescu said there should be a public debate regarding abortion, adding that "maybe there should be" legal amendments performed in this respect.

Romanian List Of Compensated Medicine Might Be Launched On Jul 15

Romanian health minister Eugen Nicolaescusaid that the new list of compensated medicine might not become official on July 1, as initially announced, but on July 15, for technical reasons.

Romanian Health Min Holds Ground On Drug Price Freeze

Romanian hospital managers that accept, through additional document, the hike of medicine prices over the values mentioned in the national catalogue will pay the difference on their own, health minister Eugen Nicolaescu told MEDIAFAX.

Romanian Health Minister Talks ’08 Outlook

Romanian health minister Eugen Nicolaescu announced that 2008 will be the first year of quality reform, after two years of quantity changes, when 28 hospitals will be built, the number of medicine will be doubled on the 90% compensation list and performance salaries will be implemented.

Free European Health Cards For Romanians Come Jan 1 ’08

Romanian citizens will receive, free of charge, the European health card, starting with January 1, 2008, its value being paid from the budget of the National Health Insurance House (CNAS), according EU advice, CNAS president Vasile Ciurchea told MEDIAFAX.