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Romania Health Insurance House Has No Funds To Cover Compensated, Free Drugs – Producers

Romania’s Health Insurance House CNAS has no funds to cover compensated and free medicine in 2010, as its budget can only pay last year’s overdue debts of 2.800 million lei (EUR1=RON4.0923), Romanian Association of International Medicine Producers (ARPIM) director Dan Zaharescu said Friday.
Romania Health Insurance House Has No Funds To Cover Compensated, Free Drugs – Producers
05 mart. 2010, 16:29, English

Zaharescu also said the budget was usually drafted for the first three quarters of the year and the budget revision was made in the fourth quarter.

„The budget revision due in the fourth quarter of 2009 was no longer possible due to the economic crisis, therefore, CNAS’ debts have moved from last year’s fourth quarter onto 2010. The overall budget for compensated and free medicine covered by CNAS was set at EUR500 million, nearly RON2 billion, equal to last year’s debt,” Zaharescu said.

According to Zaharescu, CNAS has no funds whatsoever for medicines in 2010.

„Romania faces the worst crisis in the local healthcare sector over the past 20 years, as the budget earmarked for the sector is 2.6% of GDP, which is absolutely dramatic compared to a European average of 5% and an average of nearly 4% for African countries,” Zaharescu said.

He stressed that political will translates into reasonable funds for the healthcare sector.

„The fact that Romania has the lowest healthcare budget proves lack of political will,” Zaharescu concluded.