
Romanian Senate Approves Bill On Medical Practices In Schools

Romania's Senate on Monday adopted a bill concerning medical and dentist practices in public and private schools.

Romanian Pharma Industry Asks IMF To Push For Changes To Clawback System

Pharmaceutical companies have asked the International Monetary Fund to urge Romania's Government to reduce the clawback tax to zero for generic drugs, allow at least 210 days for its payment and no longer charge it on prices including VAT and distribution margin.

Romanian Opp Liberal Party To File Five Motions On Healthcare

Romania's opposition Liberal Party will file five simple motions on healthcare, in the following weeks, former Health Minister Eugen Nicolaescu said Friday in a press conference.

Romanian Family Doctors Reject Healthcare Contract, Threaten Lawsuit Against Govt

Romanian family doctors decided Saturday not to sign the frame-contract with the National Health Insurance House and are prepared to take the government to court, over provisions which breach the rights of patients and physicians.

Romanian Health Ministry Reduces Internship Period For 36 Of 59 Specializations

The mandatory period of internship required of Romanian medical graduates will be reduced by one year as of 2010, for 36 of 59 specializations, Romania’s Health Ministry announced Sunday.

Romania Medicine Prices Up To 6% Higher As Of April 1

Romania will increase medicine prices by up to 6% as of April 1, in ratio with the exchange rate used in drafting the 2010 budget for all medicines, which was set at 4.25 lei for one euro, compared to 4.00 lei per euro in 2009.

Romanian Closed-Circuit Pharmacies To Provide Medicine Through Healthcare Programs – Draft

Romanian closed-circuit pharmacies will provide medicine to patients admitted to hospital or treated through ambulatory care, as well as the ambulance service, via national healthcare programs, under a draft order of the Health Ministry.

Romania Health Insurance House Has No Funds To Cover Compensated, Free Drugs – Producers

Romania’s Health Insurance House CNAS has no funds to cover compensated and free medicine in 2010, as its budget can only pay last year’s overdue debts of 2.800 million lei (EUR1=RON4.0923), Romanian Association of International Medicine Producers (ARPIM) director Dan Zaharescu said Friday.

Romania May Spend 4-5 Times More On Compensated Medicine Under New Contract – Producers

Romania may have to spend up to five times more on compensated and free medicine for certain patient groups, according to the new frame-Contract on medical assistance in 2010, Romanian Association of International Medicine Producers (ARPIM) director Dan Zaharescu said Friday.

Medicine Prices Might Rise By About 6.25% As Of April 1 – Romanian Health Min

Romanian health minister’s adviser Sipos Emse said Wednesday the price of medicine might rise by about 6.25% starting April, after modifying medicine prices according to the exchange rate used in setting the 2010 budget.

Medicine Prices In Romania To Grow Come Apr 1 Due To Exchange Rate Shift

The prices for medicine will grow in Romania starting with April 1, since the state budget law uses an exchange rate of EUR1=RON4.25, as opposed to the RON4 for EUR1 exchange rate used in the 2009 state budget, said Health Minister Cseke Attila.

Romania Ups Swine Flu Medicine Stock To 460,000 Doses

Romanian health minister Ion Bazac said Romania has the capacity to treat 460,000 people with antiviral medication, and the stock, updated Sunday, is sufficient for the current situation, since there are no suspicions of swine flu cases in Romania.

Romanian Antibiotice Iasi Deemed Strategic Unit, Transferred To Health Min

Romanian state-owned drugmaker Antibiotice Iasi SA (ATB.RO) will be transferred to the Health Ministry, which will take over the majority stake the country’s privatization authority AVAS holds in the drugmaker, according to Iasi mayor Gheorhe Nichita.

Romanian Medicine Prices Up 10-20% Starting Feb 1

The price of compensated medicine in Romania grew, starting February 1, by 10% for foreign products and 20% for local ones, according to the recalculation of the prices at an exchange rate of RON4 to the euro.

Compensated Medicine Prices Will Drop By Some 10% – Romanian Health Min

Romanian health minister Ion Bazac announced Thursday after the meeting with distributors, producers and pharmacists that the price of compensated medicine will decrease by some 10% starting with February 1, contrary to the statements made by distributors and producers, who said prices could grow.

Romanian Govt Eyes Dropping Purchase Price For Compensated Drugs

The Romanian government will unfold a new policy on compensated drugs, which would provide a decrease by at least 10% in the purchase price for medicine, said Romanian prime minister Emil Boc.

Romanian Medicine Distributors, Importers Demand Imported Drug Price Recalculation

Romanian medicine distributors warned that the situation of imported medicine found on the compensated list and included in the National Programs is not solved, and demanded the immediate recalculation of the price for the mentioned products.

Romanian Medicine Distributors Cease Deliveries, Pharmacies Near Stock-Outs

The National Council of the Romanian Pharmacists’ College announced that medicine distributors halted deliveries as the prices of medicine are struck by the Romanian currency’s depreciation, and medicine stocks are about to be depleted.

Romanian List Of Compensated Medicine Might Be Launched On Jul 15

Romanian health minister Eugen Nicolaescusaid that the new list of compensated medicine might not become official on July 1, as initially announced, but on July 15, for technical reasons.

Romanian Health Min Holds Ground On Drug Price Freeze

Romanian hospital managers that accept, through additional document, the hike of medicine prices over the values mentioned in the national catalogue will pay the difference on their own, health minister Eugen Nicolaescu told MEDIAFAX.