Prima pagină » English » Marcel Ciolacu:The European Commission says stop to the electoral changes done by the PNL Government

Marcel Ciolacu:The European Commission says stop to the electoral changes done by the PNL Government

The interim PSD leader Marcel Ciolacu writes on Facebook on Tuesday that the members of the European Commission "say stop to the electoral changes done by the PNL Government", referring to a letter signed by EC president Ursula von der Leyen transmitted to the Social-Democratic Party.
Marcel Ciolacu:The European Commission says stop to the electoral changes done by the PNL Government

„Mrs. Ursula von der Leyen, president of the European Commission, makes it very clear, responding to the #PSD letter by which we drew attention to the anti-democratic slippages made by the PNL by amending the electoral law shortly before the elections: To defend our democracies it is essential that elections are protected in all member states. (…) The Venice Commission recommends that the fundamental elements of electoral laws, in particular the electoral system procedure, the composition of electoral commissions and the delimitation of constituencies, should not be modified less than one year before elections or should be provided for in the Constitution or in a higher level normative act”, writes Ciolacu.

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