Senators in the two committees proposed the president and vice-president of the National Integrity Agency should be appointed by the Senate, at the proposition of the National Integrity Council, which oversees the agency’s activity. The lower chamber had set the agency president and vice-president were to be appointed by the integrity council, following a contest.
The Senate committees also set members of the agency and the council overseeing its activity are appointed for four-year terms and the terms cannot be renewed.
They also accepted an amendment stating people claiming reporting public officials to the agency out of ill will shall be held legally liable.
The endorsement report will be discussed in a plenary meeting of the Senate Wednesday.
Romania’s Government in April put forth a draft law regulating the activity of the National Integrity Agency, a EU-backed public anticorruption body, after a Constitutional Court ruling stripped it of its main attributions in screening public officials wealth and interest statements and recommending prosecution for wrongdoing.