net salary

Romania’s March Net Salary Up 5.6% M-M, To RON1,493

Romania’s net average salary in February was at 1,493 lei (EUR363), up 5.6% compared with the previous month, Romania’s statistics institute said Friday.

Romania’s February Net Salary Dn 0.7% M-M, To RON1,414

Romania’s net average salary in February was at 1,414 lei (EUR1=RON4.1333), down 0.7% compared with the previous month, Romania’s statistics institute said Tuesday.

Romania’s December Net Salary Up 8.6% M-M At RON1,496

Romania’s net average salary in December was at 1,496 lei (EUR1=RON4.2609), up 8.6% compared with the previous month, due to granting of bonuses, for vacations or the winter holidays, production increases, and to returning from furlough, the country's statistics institute said Friday.

Romania’s November Net Wage Up 2.8% M-M At RON1,377

Romania’s net average salary in November was at 1,377 lei (EUR1=RON4.2643), up 2.8% from the previous month, due to granting of vacation bonuses an returns from furlough, the country's statistics institute said Tuesday.

Romania’s October Net Salary Flat M-M At RON1,340

Romania’s net average salary in October was at 1,340 lei (EUR1=RON4.3110), similar with the previous month, the National Institute for Statistics, or INS, said Tuesday.

Romania’s May Net Salary Down 0.6% M-M To RON1,428

Romania’s net average salary in May was at 1,428 lei (EUR1=RON4.3048), down 0.6% compared with the previous month, the National Institute for Statistics, or INS, said Monday.

Romania’s April Net Salary Down 4.8% M-M To RON1,436

Romania’s net average salary in April was at 1,436 lei (EUR1=RON4.2051), down 4.8% compared with the previous month, the National Institute for Statistics said Monday.

Romania’s March Net Salary Up 6.9% M-M To RON1,509

Romania’s net average salary in March was at 1,509 lei (EUR1=RON4.1352), up 6.9% compared with the previous month, the National Institute for Statistics, or INS, said Wednesday.

Romania’s Feb Net Salary Dn 1.1% M-M To RON1,411

Romania’s net average salary in February was at 1,411 lei (EUR1=RON4.0967), down 1.1% compared with the previous month, the National Institute for Statistics, or INS, said Wednesday.

Romania’s Jan Net Salary Dn 3.5% M-M To RON1,426

Romania’s net average salary in January 2010 was at 1,426 lei (EUR1=RON4.0923), down 3.5% compared with the previous month, the National Institute for Statistics, or INS, said Monday.

Romania’s Oct Avg Net Salary Up 1.2% MM To RON1,375

Romania’s net average salary was 1,375 lei (EUR1=RON4.2062) in October, up 1.2% from September, the National Institute for Statistics said Monday.

Romania’s August Net Salary Dn 3% MM To RON1,348

Romania’s net average salary was at 1,348 lei (EUR1=RON4.2782) in August, down 3% compared with RON1,390 in the previous month, the National Institute for Statistics said Monday.

Romania’s July Net Salary Up 0.8% M-M To RON1,390

Romania’s net average salary was at 1,390 lei (EUR1=RON4.2442) in July, up 0.8% compared with RON1,379 in the previous month, the National Institute for Statistics said Friday.

Romania’s Mar Net Salary Up 5.1% M-M To RON1.192

Romania's net average salary was up 5.1% to 1.192 lei (EUR1-RON3.6506) in real terms in March 2008, compared with February 2008, the National Institute for Statistics said Wednesday.

Romania’s Feb Net Salary Dn 5.5% M-M To RON1,134

Romania's net average salary fell 5.5% to 1,134 lei (EUR1-RON3.6704) in real terms in February 2008, compared with January 2008, the National Institute for Statistics said Friday.