
Romanian President Compels Transparency At Public Institutions’ Level, Issues Warnings

Romanian President Traian Basescu said Tuesday evening he asked Cabinet members to see that the salaries of employees within ministries, agencies and administrations are all made public, and warned that non-compliance translates into open conflict with him.

Romania PM: Govt Can Either Pay Reduced Wages, Pensions Or Stop Paying Them As of Dec

Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc said Thursday, before a meeting with unionists for talks on the recently announced spending cut measures, that the Government has two alternatives, namely, either to pay reduced salaries and pensions or no longer pay them as of December 2010.

Romania Fin Min Says 25% Wage Cut Will Be Law-Regulated Like Any Salary Raises So Far

Romania’s Finance Minister Sebastian Vladescu said that the recently announced 25% cut in the salaries of public sector employees will be made individually and on the basis of a law, the same way salary raises have been established so far without anybody challenging them in court.

Romania’s 2010 Estimated Unemployment Rate Up 0.5% On Year – Govt

Romania’s Government said in a document issued in May that the number of unemployed people is expected to increase to 740,000, only 31,000 more on the year, and that the unemployment rate will grow to 8.3%, a 0.5% increase on the year.

Romanian Public Sector Unionists Start Protests Over Cost Cutting Measures Thursday

Romanian unionists will stage a four-day protest starting Thursday and 1,000 people will picked the Government’s headquarters and the Presidential Palace, disgruntled with the anti-crisis measures announced by the country’s authorities.

Romania Fin Min: All Public Sector Wages Cut By 25%; New Salary Sys To Be Elaborated

Romanian Finance Minister Sebastian Vladescu said Sunday, at the end of a meeting with IMF experts, that all salaries in the public sector will be cut by 25% and a new salary system will be established in the sector until the end of 2010.

Romania Forced To Contract New Loan In 2011 Unless It Cuts Wages, Pensions – President

Romanian President Traian Basescu said Sunday that if public salaries and pensions are not reduced, Romania will have to contract a new loan in 2011, which would simply “pawn” the future of the country and of millions of Romanians.

Romanian Unions Push For Differentiated Wage Cuts; President Opts For Linear Cuts

Romania’s five union federation leaders said Sunday, after a meeting with President Traian Basescu, that they called for differentiated salary cuts in the public sector, whereas the head of state opted for linear salary cuts.

About 35% Of Romanian Public Servants With Low Wages To Lose Jobs – Union Leader

Romanian National Union Confederation "Cartel Alfa" leader Bogdan Hossu told MEDIAFAX Thursday that about 35% of the public sector employees that have low salaries will lose their jobs if the money allotted to public sector salaries is reduced by 25%.

Romanian President Announces Pensions To Decrease By 15%, Public Sector Wage Fund By 25%

Romanian President Traian Basescu said Thursday, after talks with International Monetary Fund officials, pensions will decrease by 15% and salary funds in the public sector by 25%, which will also impact the minimum wage, adding subsidies will be drastically reduced.

Romanian Education Unionists To Stage One-Day Strike On April 22 Over Education Bill

Romanian education unions met Wednesday to resume talks on the problems the education sector is currently facing, and decided to stage a one-day strike on April 22 over planned layoffs in the sector, cuts in staff spending and the draft education law.

Romanian Public Administration Unionists To Stage Full-Blown Strike On May 5

The Romanian National Federation of Public Administration Unions (FNSA) will picket the Government headquarters on April 30 and stage a full-blown strike on May 5 over wage cuts, union leader Valer Suciu told a news conference Wednesday.

Romania Govt Hikes Education Staff Wages With Funds From Budget For Q2, Q3, Q4

Romania’s government will transfer funds from the budget initially earmarked for the second, third and fourth quarters in order to hike the salary fund for the first quarter for teachers who haven’t received 17% higher wages so far, Finance Ministry state secretary Gheorghe Gherghina said Monday.

Romanian Govt Might Adopt Law To Keep Public Sector Wages At 2009 Level

Romania’s Government might adopt a normative act to amend Ordinance 1/2010 that forbids renewing collective labor contracts and eliminates negotiated wage bonuses, which led to wage reductions in the public sector.

Romanians Think Doctors And Teachers Deserve Highest Salaries – Survey

Romanians think doctors and teachers should have the highest salaries, while judges, police officers, MPs, prosecutors and other public servants trail behind in a recent survey conducted by job search website

Romanian Education Unionists Call On Ministry To Issue Order Regulating Wage System

The secretary general of the National Federation of Free Unions in Education (FSLI), Liviu Pop, on Tuesday said it is highly necessary to clear out salary issues in the education sector immediately, adding the federation has called on the Education Ministry to issue an order and regulate the matter.

Employees Of Nokia Factory In Romania To Receive 9% Higher Wages

The employees of the Nokia factory in Jucu, northwestern Romania, will receive a 9% increase in their salary this year, according to the collective labor contract signed Monday with the company’s management.

Romanian Public Sector Wages To Only Be Set Through Laws, Govt Decisions – Draft

The salaries of Romanian public sector personnel may only be set through laws or government decisions, and wage rights set through collective/individual labor contracts or other acts will not be considered, according to the draft decision on the application of the unitary wage law.

Romanian Govt To Reduce Variable Salaries, Layoff Employees To Limit Staff Expenses

The Romanian Government may not increase public sector salaries in the last six months of its term, but variable salary rights may be decreased in order to meet the quarterly limits on staff expenses, together with layoffs.

Romanian Union Leader: Banning Pay Raises 6 Mos Before Elections Is Absurd

Romania’s national union confederation "Cartel Alfa" leader Bogdan Hossu on Monday said the government's proposition to ban wage hikes six months before elections is simply absurd and sheer populist measure, considering pay raises are planned by calendar and cannot be conditioned by elections.

Romanian Wages Growing By 20-25% Not Feasible – Romanian IMF Representative

Salary and pension raises in Romania will continue to be tied to the economy’s evolution, but 20-25% increases, like in 2006 and 2007, are not feasible, according to Mihai Tanasescu, Romania’s representative to the International Monetary Fund.

No Cuts On Romanian Public Sector Salaries, Govt Has Other Solutions – Acting PM

The Romanian Government is not planning to cut the salaries and pensions of public sector employees, as it has alternative solutions to carry on with payments even during this difficult economic situation, acting Prime Minister Emil Boc said Friday.

Romanian Govt May Have Trouble Paying Salaries And Pensions In Nov, Dec – PM

The Romanian Government has no problem paying salaries and pensions at the moment, but may run into difficulties towards the end of November, should certain commitments taken before the IMF not be met, acting Prime Minister Emil Boc said Thursday.

Romanian Premier Urges Compliance With Intl Pacts For Salary, Pension Pay

Prime Minister Emil Boc said Wednesday evening, at Realitatea TV station, that Romania's non-compliance with its international agreements could make impossible the payment of salaries and pensions.

Romania’s Minimum Wage Hike To Over RON705 After 2010 Depends On Further Staff Cuts

Romania’s minimum wage stipulated in the unitary law regulating wages in the public sector will be hiked to over 705 lei (EUR1=RON4.2552) after 2010, provided the number of state employees is reduced to a level compliant with the annual targets for staff expenses in the gross domestic product.

Romania To Set Up Govt-Unions Committee For Further Amendments To Unitary Pay Law

The Romanian government decided Sunday to introduce a distinct article in the draft unitary pay law that stipulates the setting up of an inter-ministry committee, to include ministry experts and a representative of each national union confederation, which will bring further amendments to the law.

Romanian Lawmakers Submit Unitary Pay Law Amendments To Govt

Several amendments to the unitary pay law, submitted to the Romanian Government on Saturday, target to hike wage quotients for lawmakers and parliamentary advisers, eliminate restrictions on filling vacancies, by cumulating positions, introduce the management indemnity in the basic wage and pay overtime.

Romania Securities, Insurance, Pvt Pension Regulators, Ctrl Bk Not Targeted By Unitary Pay Law

The Romanian government decided the unitary law regulating wages across the public sector would not be applied to the employees of the central bank, the securities watchdog, the insurance regulator and the private pension watchdog.

Romanian Mins Give Up One Fifth Of Pay Until Yearend

Romanian ministers signed a self-statement giving up 20% of their monthly salaries, until the end of the year, resulting in an overall saving of RON95,000, according to government spokesperson Ioana Muntean.

Romanian Health Min Sees New Healthcare Pay Grid As Fair

Romanian health minister Ion Bazac said Friday that the salary grid for healthcare staff, as recently amended, has reached a fair format, and this is the first time salaries take into consideration professional training and experience.

Romanian Wages Near RON600-705 To Grow In ‘10 – Labor Min State Sec

Secretary of state within the Ministry of Labor Valentin Mocanu said thursdau after taks with unions that starting with 2010 all salaries with values between 600 and 705 lei (EUR1=RON4.2240) will grow, while high salaries will remain frozen.

Romanian Govt To Set Salary Fund For State-Owned Cos – Act

The Romanian Government must set the total salary fund for state-owned companies that receive subsidies or other financing from the state budget and the measure must be applied until the end of June 2010, according to the additional letter the government will send to the International Monetary Fund.

Romanian PM Proposes 20% Wage Cut For Ministers In „Rational Spending” Bid

Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc on Friday said he would propose all ministers to have their salaries cut by 20% from August until December, in a move to keep tighter grip on public spending, adding he will accept to have his salary cut.

Romanian Regional Railway Employees Stop Activity, Bucharest Employees Threaten To Follow Suit

Romanian Transports Ministry state secretary Constantin Axinia said Wednesday that national railway company CFR employees will receive their late salaries by Monday, while those who stop trains will be held responsible and may even be sacked.

Romanian Govt , Unions To Discuss Increasing Salaries After July 20 – Union Leader

Romanian union federation “Cartel Alfa” president Bogdan Hossu said Wednesday, after meeting with the prime minister, that talks will be held after July 20 on the possibility of increasing salaries this year according to the economic assessment of the first six months of 2009.

Romanian Senate Delays Vote On Pension, Wage Amassment Law

Romania's Senate on Tuesday decided to return to the Labor Committee the draft law regulating pensions and salary amassment in the public sector, delaying the vote until the fall.

Romanian Health System Union Sanitas Threatens To Picket Ministry HQ, Citing Insufficient Salaries

Romanian health system employees threaten to picket the Health Ministry’s headquarters on July 14, unhappy with the fact that wages in the system will not be covered until the end of the year, Sanitas union federation vice-president Adrian Barea told MEDIAFAX on Monday.

Romania Healthcare Salary Might Increase By 35% – Draft Law

Romania’s latest version of the single and unitary salary law in the public system stipulates a 35% pay raise for personnel in the healthcare system, compared to the 75% raise in the previous version of the draft law.

Romania Healthcare System Wages Could Reach RON6,900/Mo – Draft Law

Romanian physicians and auxiliary personnel could earn, under the coming single and unitary salary law in the public system, between 1,200 lei (EUR1-RON4.2317) and RON6,900 a month.

Romanian Econ Min-Owned Cos To Hike Salaries By 5% In ’09

The gross salaries of the employees with 26 companies owned by the Romanian Economy Minister will increase by 5% in 2009, to cover the projected inflation rate.