
Romanian Govt To Cut Workforce Costs At Optimum Time, Keep VAT At 2011 Level – PM

The Romanian Government will analyze the feasibility of reducing workforce costs only after it makes sure the country achieved macroeconomic stability, Prime Minister Emil Boc said Tuesday.

Romanian Govt Held No Talks On Introducing New Taxes To Allow For Pension Hike – PM

Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc said Thursday the Government has not held talks on introducing new taxes to allow for future pension increases.

Around 370,000 Romanian Firms To Send Income Tax Statement Quarterly – PM

Around 370,000 Romanian companies with a turnover of up to EUR100,000 and no more than two employees will send their income tax statement every quarter, instead of every month, said Prime Minister Emil Boc.

Romania To Increase Budget Earnings Through New Building, Land, Vehicle Tax System

Romania's Government will change the building, land and vehicle tax system, introducing a new calculation method that will allow earnings from this source to increase by more than 1 billion lei (EUR233 million) over the next three years.

Romania Keeps Higher Taxes On Multiple Homes Into Next Year

Romania's Government has decided to keep charging higher taxes from owners of multiple houses and cars with engines larger than 2000 cc, after the Parliament decided that the higher taxes would only be applied this year.

IMF Says Tax Cuts In Romania Not Possible On Short-Term

Romania can’t afford to reduce its main taxes in the coming years, because the measure would entail substantial spending cuts in the public system, an official of the International Monetary Fund said Monday.

Romania Cannot Reduce Social Security Contributions In 2011 – President

Romanian President Traian Basescu said Saturday that, in his opinion, it is impossible to reduce social security contribution rates in 2011.

Romanian Govt Revenue Service To Close 1/3 Of Regional Offices By September

Romanian government revenue service ANAF will close, by September, around 150 local financial administration offices, more than a third of its current network, because they are not efficient.

Romanian Govt Expects RON8.8B Revenue From Stricter Fiscal Inspections

Romania's Government expects to collect 8.8 billion lei (EUR1=RON4.0966) over the next three years from stricter controls on "high fiscal risk taxpayers," plus RON160 million from taxes on high wealth.

Romanian Govt To Reduce Social Contributions, Keep Flat Tax, VAT Unchanged Until 2014

The Romanian Government will reduce social security contributions by two percentage points in the second half of 2011 and will keep the flat tax and the value added tax unchanged in the next three years.

Main Taxes Unchanged In New Romania-IMF Deal – PM

The follow-up deal between Romania and the International Monetary Fund will keep most taxes unchanged, while arrears will be eliminated gradually, Prime Minister Emil Boc said on Monday.

Romanian Finance Ministry To Reduce Paperwork Filed By Small Businesses

Romania's Ministry of Public Finance plans to reduce the paperwork required from small enterprises and allow them more time to file tax statements, state secretary Dan Lazar said Thursday in a seminar hosted by daily paper Ziarul Financiar.

VAT Cut Not An Option For Romania – Fin Min Off

Reducing the value added tax is not a good solution for Romania, as it will not lower prices, but it will have a negative effect on the predictability of the fiscal framework, Finance Ministry state secretary Dan Lazar said Thursday.

Romanian Proprietatea Fund Core Hldrs Exempt From Capital Gains Tax

Romanians who were compensated for their communism-seized property in Fondul Proprietatea stock will not be taxed on the profit achieved in selling the shares on the stock market, according to Dana Mirela Ionescu, head of brokerage firm Raiffeisen Capital&Investment.

Romanian Govt Puts Off Hiking Taxes On Industrial Property Protection

Romania's Government has postponed hiking the taxes on industrial property, charged to natural and legal persons, until 2012, considering that such an increase could reduce the number of requests for protection and affect innovation.

Employers In Romania To File Single Online Tax Form As Of 2011

Companies will be able, starting next year, to pay social security contributions and income taxes through a single statement, submitted online to the National Fiscal Administration Agency (ANAF), Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc announced Wednesday.

Romania Govt Reconsiders Lump Sum Tax – Sources

Romania's Government has reconsidered plans to levy a lump sum tax on companies as of 2011 and is contemplating the reintroduction of a 3% income tax for micro-companies, people familiar with the matter told MEDIAFAX Friday.

IMF: Romania Should Keep Tax System Stable For Couple Of Years

The International Monetary Fund recommended Romania maintained its tax system broadly unchanged for the next two years to ensure stability in the business and consumption sectors, IMF mission chief Jeffrey Franks said Monday.

IMF Shakes Finger At Romanian Tax Amendment Proposals

The International Monetary Fund analyzes all proposals that aim at changing taxes, but a change in the fiscal system may prove to be dangerous after some very difficult measures were implemented, said Jeffrey Franks, head of the IMF's mission to Bucharest.

Romania Shouldn’t Cut Taxes For At Least Two Years – IMF

Romania needs to keep the sales tax at its current level in order to reduce the budget deficit to below 3% of the gross domestic product in 2012, an official of the International Monetary Fund said Wednesday.

Romania Fin Min Says Talks With IMF Don’t Tackle Further Tax Hikes

Talks between Romanian authorities and the International Monetary Fund’s mission don’t include further tax increases for the country, either this year or in 2011, Finance Ministry Sebastian Vladescu said Friday.

Romanian Govt Considers Taxing Large Fortunes

Romania’s Government is working on a wealth tax bill, based on a proposal by leftist party UNPR, which stipulates higher taxes on large fortunes, Prime Minister Emil Boc said Monday.

Romania Fin Min Says Tax Changes Not Analyzed

Romania's Finance Ministry doesn’t contemplate a revision of the country’s taxation system, minister Sebastian Vladescu said Friday.

Romanian President Says Any Income Should Be Taxed

Romanian President Traian Basescu said Thursday on public television that any income, including the minimum pension and unemployment benefits, should be taxed.

Romania May Charge EUR3-4/100 Km For Traffic On Highways As Of 2011

Motorists driving on Romanian highways may have to pay a toll as of next summer, in the amount of EUR3-4 per 100 kilometers, Transport Minister Radu Berceanu said Wednesday.

Romanian Govt To Keep Taxes On Multiple Homes, Large Cars At New Level In 2011

Romania’s Government intends to keep the taxes hiked on July 1, levied on cars with engines larger than 2,000 cc and on owners of multiple homes, at their new level in 2011 as well, eyeing around 500 million lei (EUR1=RON4.2613) in revenue.

Romanian Transporters Fear Potential Tax Hike May Cause Layoffs, Tax Evasion

Romanian transport operator representatives said Friday that the sector will see layoffs, wage cuts and an increase of tax evasion, should the Government decide to lower the budget deficit by increasing the VAT and the flat tax.

Romania Ctrl Bk: Tax Hikes Not Enough To Reduce Deficit

Romanian economy may temporarily benefit from raised taxes, but such a measure will be insufficient to reduce the budget deficit to 6.8% of the gross domestic product, a central bank official said Friday.

Romania Moves To Plan B After Court Rejects Austerity Measures – PM

Romania has prepared an alternate plan to lower the budget deficit and keep a EUR20 billion IMF-led foreign loan package on track, Prime Minister Emil Boc said Friday after the Constitutional Court fended off a 15% cut in pensions.

Alpha Bank Romania Says New Deposit Protected Against Tax On Interest Income

Alpha Bank Romania recently launched a new time deposit that would shelter clients from potential taxes levied on earnings from interests, the lender said in a statement.

Romanian Minister Says Govt Not Planning To Raise VAT, Flat Tax

Romania’s Development and Tourism Minister Elena Udrea told Pro TV in an interview broadcast Sunday the Government isn’t planning to raise the value added tax or the 16% flat tax.

Romania To Tax Meal, Gift, Nursery, Vacation Vouchers As Of July 1, 2010

Meal, gift, nursery and vacation vouchers, as well as compensatory payments, will all be taxed as of July 1, when the Romanian Government is set to enforce the recent amendments to the country’s Tax Code, which target to expand the taxation pool.

Romania To Enforce Solidarity Tax On Owners Of Multiple Homes

Romania hopes to collect 31 million lei (EUR1=RON4.2448) this year from owners of multiple homes, as they will have to pay a “solidarity tax” by September 30, amounting to 50%-200% of the yearly tax on their other houses, according to a draft ordinance obtained by MEDIAFAX Friday.

Romanian Interior Minister Says Govt Ought To Resign If Obliged To Hike Taxes

Romania’s democrat liberal Interior Minister Vasile Blaga said in an interview for Pro Tv that the opposition social democrats’ no-confidence motion stands no chance to pass in Parliament and that the Government run by democrat liberal Prime Minister Emil Boc ought to resign if obliged to hike taxes.

Romania Ctrl Bank Head Says Tax Increase Possible In The Future

Romania may resort to tax increases in the coming years, but such a measure requires an extended general taxation pool and no tax exemptions, central bank governor Mugur Isarescu said Wednesday.

Romanian Govt Eyes Extra Revenues Of RON855M In 2010 By Levying New Taxes

The Romanian Government estimates to obtain extra revenues of 855 million lei (EUR1=RON4.1838) to the state budget in the second half of 2010, by introducing new taxes, which are seen generating RON1.76 billion in 2011, RON1.65 billion in 2012 and RON1.3 billion in 2013.

Romania’s Govt Mulls Cashing RON217M From Taxing Interests By Yearend

Romania’s Government plans to cash this year 217 million lei (EUR1=RON4.1838) from taxing interests by 16%, and RON145 million from applying the flat tax to stock market gains.

Romanian Ctrl Bker: Wage Cuts, The Lesser Of Two Evils

Romania’s worst case scenario would be to fail at cutting pensions and wages, seen as the lesser of two evils, and to need an increase in the value added tax level, an adviser to the local central bank’s governor said Friday.

Romania’s Govt Estimates To Collect Extra RON421M In Meal Vouchers, Copyright Income Tax Revenues

Romania’s Government estimates it will collect extra 345 million lei (EUR1=RON4.1751) in the second half of the year by applying a 16% tax on meal vouchers, and extra RON76 million by deducting social security contributions from copyright income and reducing deductible quotas to 25%, from 40%.

Romania To Collect New Taxes To Increase Budget Revenues

Romanian Finance Minister Sebastian Vladescu said the country will apply a 16% tax on income gained from copyright, stock activities, the interest generated by bank deposits, mandate contracts, as well as on authorized individuals, newspaper Gandul reported.