confidence vote

Romanian Opposition Won’t Attend Any Conf Vote Seeking Procedures

Romania’s opposition Social Liberal Union decided Monday its lawmakers will not attend any procedures whereby the Government seeks lawmakers’ confidence vote to pass a bill that caps wage hikes for teachers.

Romanian Govt To Seek Conf Vote For Labor Laws On March 8

Romania’s Government will seek a confidence vote in Parliament to pass new labor legislation next Tuesday, March 8, and amendments to the bill are expected until Friday evening, said Senate vice-president Ioan Chelaru after the Parliament’s standing office meeting.

Romanian Govt To Seek Confidence Vote On New Labor Laws Next Week

Romania’s Government will seek a confidence vote in Parliament to adopt new labor legislation next week, Prime Minster Emil Boc said on public television Thursday evening.

Romanian Govt Might Seek Confidence Vote To Pass New Labor Code

Romania’s Government may seek a confidence vote in Parliament to adopt new labor legislation, Prime Minster Emil Boc said Friday, adding a decision will be made after talks in the Government and the ruling coalition.

Romanian Govt Might Seek Conf Vote To Pass Public Sector Wage Law

Romania’s Prime Minister Emil Boc said Tuesday the Government might seek a confidence vote in parliament to pass the IMF-required public sector wage law, but a final decision would be made within the ruling coalition.

Romanian Parliament Denies Opposition’s Bid To Put Off Education Bill Adoption

The standing offices of Romania’s Parliament denied Thursday the opposition’s bid to postpone the Government’s seeking a confidence vote to adopt the education bill bypassing parliamentary procedure.

Romanian Opp Liberals To Ask Parliament To Put Off Govt’s Confidence Vote On Education Bill

The Romanian opposition Liberal Party will ask the Parliament’s standing offices to postpone by one week the confidence vote the Government will seek in Parliament to pass the country’s education bill, liberal leader Crin Antonescu said Wednesday.

Romanian PM Says Govt Did Right Implementing Austerity Measures

Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc said Wednesday, ahead of debates on a no-confidence motion aimed to topple his Cabinet, he understands social unrest but people need to understand the Government has done what was needed to help the country emerge from a deep recession.

Thousands Gather To Protest In Romanian Capital As Govt Faces Confidence Vote

Over 10,000 people have gathered in Victoriei square outside the government building in central Bucharest Wednesday morning to demonstrate against the administration’s austerity measures, as the Cabinet faces a confidence vote in Parliament.

Romanian Govt To Seek Confidence Vote In Parliament Over Education Bill On Oct 28

The Romanian Government will seek a confidence vote in Parliament on October 28 to pass the country’s education bill, the standing offices of the Romanian Senate and Chamber of Deputies decided Monday.

Romania’s Ruling Coalition Wants Govt To Seek Confidence Vote To Pass Education, Wage Bills

Romania’s ruling coalition decided Monday evening that the Government will seek a confidence vote in Parliament to pass the country’s education bill and unitary wage bill, people with direct knowledge of talks told MEDIAFAX.

Romanian Govt To Seek Confidence Vote In Parl To Pass Education Bill Unless Adopted By Senate

Romania’s Government will seek a confidence vote in Parliament to pass the education bill if the Senate fails to adopt the bill in the next seven to ten days, Adriean Videanu, vice-president of the country’s ruling Democratic Liberal Party said Monday.

Romanian Govt Might Seek Conf Vote In Fall To Pass New Labor Code

Romania’s Government might again seek a confidence vote in Parliament, in September or October, to pass a new Labor Code, a social assistance code and the unitary wage law for the public sector, Prime Minister Emil Boc said Thursday.

PM Asks Lawmakers’ Conf Vote For Austerity Plan, Warns Romania Might Go Into Payment Default

Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc on Monday asked lawmakers’ confidence vote for the two laws that make up the Government’s austerity plan and warned that Romania might go into payment default unless it cuts budget spending.

FOCUS: Romanian PM Seeks Parliament Conf Vote On Govt Austerity Plan Monday

Romania’s Prime Minister Emil Boc will seek a confidence vote in Parliament Monday for two draft laws that make up the Government’s austerity plan, which cuts public sector wages, pensions and social welfare benefits and regulates certain aspects regarding pensions.

Romanian Govt Seeks Parliament Conf Vote On Austerity Plan Monday

Romania’s Government will seek a confidence vote in Parliament Monday afternoon for two draft laws that make up its austerity plan, which entails cuts in public sector wages, pensions and social welfare benefits, Senate Chairman Mircea Geoana said Wednesday.

Romanian Govt To Seek Conf Vote In Parliament For Austerity Plan Next Week – House Speaker

Romania’s Government plans to seek a confidence vote in Parliament to pass its austerity plan as early as next Monday, Chamber of Deputies Speaker Roberta Anastase said Monday on Realitatea TV.

Romania’s Govt To Seek Parl Confidence Vote For Pension, Wage Cut Laws

Romania’s Government will seek a confidence vote in Parliament for two draft laws, one concerning budget expenditure cuts, and the other regulating the new contribution-based pension system and reevaluating disability pensions, Prime Minister Emil Boc said Wednesday.

Romania’s PM-Designate Seeks Parliament Confidence Vote For New Govt To Unlock Bailout Money

Romania’s Prime Minister-designate Emil Boc seeks a confidence vote in Parliament Wednesday for his 15-minister cabinet, which needs to push through next year’s state budget and unlock further tranches of an IMF-led EUR20 billion loan the country relies on.

Romanian Parliament Holds Minister Hearings Tuesday, Confidence Vote Wednesday

Romania’s Parliament will hold hearings of proposed ministers in special commissions all day Tuesday and a confidence vote on the proposed government and its governing program Wednesday, Chamber of Deputies vice-president Ludovic Orban told MEDIAFAX.

Romania’s Parliament Committees To Hear New Govt’s Designated Ministers Tuesday

Romania’s Parliament will hear Tuesday the ministers designated to form the country’s future Government, and the Cabinet will be given a confidence vote Wednesday, people close to the matter said Sunday evening.

Romanian Social Democrats To Delay Conf Vote For New Govt Until After Elections -Sources

Romania’s opposition Social Democratic Party decided Monday to delay holding confidence vote for the country’s new government until December, after presidential elections, people familiar with the matter told MEDIAFAX Monday.

Romanian PM-Designate Loses Confidence Vote In Parliament

Romania’s Prime Minister-designate Lucian Croitoru lost a confidence vote in Parliament Wednesday as 250 lawmakers voted against his proposed government, leaving the country stuck in a political deadlock.

Romanian Parliament Holds Confidence Vote On Croitoru Govt

Romanian lawmakers met Wednesday morning to hold a confidence vote on the Cabinet proposed by Prime Minister-designate Lucian Croitoru.

Romanian Parliament To Vote On New Govt Next Wednesday

The standing offices of Romania’s Parliament decided Monday to hold the confidence vote for the country’s proposed new government next Wednesday and proposed ministers will be heard by parliament commissions this week.

Romanian Govt To Ask Parl Confidence Vote To Enact IMF-Required Pension Law

Romania’s government has decided to ask the Parliament for a confidence vote to enact a public pension law, as it did last month with the unitary wage law for the public sector, the law on education and a law reorganizing government agencies and public institutions.

Romanian Parliament Starts Confidence Vote Meeting 45 Minutes Late

The Romanian Parliament meeting on Tuesday, in which the Government will ask for a confidence vote to pass three laws, started 45 minutes late, with most ministers present but in the absence of liberal lawmakers, who preferred to work on motions and challenges to the laws instead.