
EU Justice Commissioner: Romania Must Overcome Crisis And Ensure Judicial Independence

The EU Commissioner for Justice, Consumers and Gender Equality, Vera Jourova, launched an appeal for Romanian authorities to overcome the country’s judicial crisis and guarantee an independent judiciary, in a statement made on Friday.

EU: javult a romániai, bulgáriai és magyarországi ivóvíz minősége

Javult a romániai, bulgáriai és magyarországi ivóvíz minősége az európai uniós finanszírozásnak köszönhetően, de további beruházásokra van szükség – derül ki az Európai Számvevőszék által kedden ismertetett jelentésből, amit a The Sofia Globe kiadvány idézett.

Eurostat: Romania Posts Third Lowest Inflation In EU In June 2017

Romania posted the third lowest annual inflation rate in the European Union in June, of 0.7%, after Denmark (0.4%), according to data published Monday by Eurostat, the statistical office of the EU.

Azt vizsgálja az EB, korlátozta-e Románia az Unió többi tagállamába történő földgázexportot

Formális vizsgálatot indított az Európai Bizottság annak kiderítésére, hogy a romániai gázvezeték-hálózat működtetője, a Transgaz korlátozta-e az Unió többi tagállamába történő földgázexportot.

Eurostat: Romania Posts Lowest Annual Inflation Rate In The EU, In April 2017

Romania posted the lowest annual inflation rate, of 0.6%, in the European Union, in April 2017, and one of the lowest monthly inflation rates, of 0.2%, according to data published on Wednesday by Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union.

22 millió lej értékű európai uniós finanszírozásból újul meg a vajdahunyadi vár

22 millió lej értékű európai uniós finanszírozásból újul meg a vajdahunyadi vár, a munkálatokat öt éven belül kell elvégezni – derül ki a regionális fejlesztési, közigazgatási és az európai uniós forrásokért felelős minisztérium csütörtöki közleményéből.

A romániai nők hamarabb elhagyják a családi fészket, mint a férfiak

Romániában a legnagyobb az eltérés a férfiak és a nők között európai uniós szinten abban, hogy mikor hagyják el a családi fészket: miközben a nők már 25 évesen megteszik, a férfiak csak 30 évesen szánják rá magukat a lépésre – derül ki az EU statisztikai hivatala, az Eurostat szerdai jelentéséből.

Dacia Registrations In EU Up 9.9% In January-March 2017

New registrations of Dacia cars in the European Union rose 9.9% to 111,126 units in January-March 2017, while Renault’s cars ranked third by the number of new registrations after VW and PSA groups.

Destatis – Labor Costs Rose 10.6% In Romania In 2016, The Highest Growth Rate In The EU

Labor costs rose over 10% in Romania in 2016, reaching EUR5.40 per hour, which translates into the highest growth rate in the European Union, placing Romania 27th among the EU28, according to data by Germany’s Federal Statistical Office (Destatis).

Eurostat: Romania Registers One Of Lowest Unemployment Rates In The EU

Romania registered one of the lowest unemployment rates, of 5.4%, in February 2017, with the Czech Republic seeing the lowest rate, of 3.4%, and Greece seeing the biggest rate, of 23.1%, according to a report released on Monday by Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union.

Romanian Opposition Supports Ratification Of EU Fiscal Stability Treaty

The opposition Social-Liberal Union (USL) agrees that Romania should sign and ratify the European Union fiscal stability treaty, and its MPs will attend the related Parliament discussions, social democrat leader Victor Ponta said Monday.

President: Nine EU States’ Decision To Keep Work Restrictions For Romanians Totally Unjustified

Romanian President Traian Basescu told diplomats Thursday that the decision of nine European Union member states not to lift work restrictions for Romanians is “completely unjustified.”

EU Members With Low Foreign Debt May Exceed Structural Deficit Limit

Romania's Minister of European Affairs, Leonard Orban, said Tuesday that a suggestion was made in the negotiations on the future inter-government treaty, whereby states with foreign debt below the limit imposed by the EU could be allowed to run a higher structural deficit.

President Basescu Informed EC That Romania Will Join Fiscal Union Pact

Romanian President Traian Basescu said Sunday he informed the European Commission that Romania will join the fiscal union pact recently agreed on by European Union leaders.

Romania Is Net Beneficiary Of EU Funds – Minister

Romania's Minister of European Affairs, Leonard Orban, said the difference between the funds Romania received from the EU between January 1, 2007 and June 30, 2011, and its contribution to the EU's budget is more than EUR4.9 billion.

Reduced Govt Co-Financing Rate For EU Funds To Save Romania Up To EUR714M

The European Commission's plan to reduce the co-financing that must be provided by six EU member states to access EU funds, to 5% from 15%, may save Romania as much as EUR714 million.

New Schengen Rules Won’t Apply to Romania, Bulgaria – President

Romanian President Traian Basescu said Friday a minute adopted during the European Council meeting states that the new regulations aimed to reinforce the governance of the Schengen Area will not apply to Romania and Bulgaria.

Romania To Ensure Gas Exports Towards Hungary By End-2012

Romania’s government pledged to make the needed steps to allow exports of natural gas towards Hungary by the end of 2012, according to the memorandum of understanding agreed with the European Commission, a document obtained by MEDIAFAX.

Romania Meets EU Criteria For EUR150M Loan Disbursement

Romania has met the criteria requested by the European Commission for the disbursement of the final tranche of a EUR5 billion loan, worth EUR150 million, the EU mission chief Istvan Szekely said Monday.

Ten EU Countries Maintain Labor Restrictions For Romanians, Bulgarians

Ten European Union member states will retain some labor restrictions for Romanian and Bulgarian workers, four years after Romania and Bulgaria joined the EU.

EU Discusses Romania, Bulgaria’s Possible Schengen Accession Tuesday

The EU Commission for Home Affairs will discuss Tuesday Romania and Bulgaria's possible Schengen entry, reported.

EU: Romania Can Allocate Free Greenhouse Allowances During 2013-2019

Romania may allocate a limited number of free carbon dioxide (CO2) emission certificates to power stations between 2013 and 2019, according to a European Commission decision Tuesday.

European Union Disburses EUR1.2B To Romania

The European Commission Thursday disbursed a fourth installment worth EUR1.2 billion to Romania, part of a larger EUR5 billion loan negotiated two years ago, the EU said in a statement.

Most Romanians Consider Govt’s Anti-Crisis Measures Ineffective – Poll

Most Romanians (80%) think that the anti-crisis measures taken by the Government were ineffective, according to a Eurobarometer survey published on Tuesday.

Half Of Romanians Most Troubled By Rising Prices, Inflation – Study

Half of Romanians see the rising prices and inflation as their main problems, a third believe the crisis' impact on the labor market has not yet peaked, while 48% expect the job market to worsen in the next 12 months, says a Eurobarometer study.

About Half Of Romanians Satisfied With Their Lives, 4% Say Economic Situation Is Good – Poll

Almost half of Romanians are satisfied with their lives, only 4% consider that the country’s economic situation is good and 14% of them expect the economy will recover in 2011, according to a Eurobarometer survey published on Tuesday.

Romania’s New Deal With EU Could Kick Off May 1

Romania’s follow-up agreement with the European Commission might take effect on May 1, pending approval from the authorities in Brussels, a Commission official said Tuesday.

Romania Risks EU Sanctions Unless It Transfers Railway Supervision Body From Transport Ministry

Romania’s Government will transfer a railway sector supervision body to the Competition Council from the Transport Ministry to avoid an infringement procedure from the European Union.

Romania Pleads To Include Serbia, Moldova In EU Single Energy Market

Romanian President Traian Basescu said Friday at the European Council meeting in Brussels that non-EU countries like Serbia and the Republic of Moldova should be connected to the EU’s single energy market, which is set to be established by 2014 the president’s office said in a press release Saturday.

Romania Is EU’s 16Th Largest Car Market By 2010 New Car Registrations

Romania is the 16th largest auto market in the European Union by new car registrations in 2010, whose number dropped three times more abruptly locally than in the EU, according to data released Friday by the European Carmakers Association ACEA.

Romania To Sign Precautionary Deal With EU – Fin Min

Romania will sign new, precautionary agreements with both the International Monetary Fund, and the European Commission, Finance Minister Gheorghe Ialomitianu told a news conference Monday.

Romanian High Officials Set Parameters Of New IMF Deal

Romanian President Traian Basescu, Prime Minister Emil Boc, central bank governor Mugur Isarescu, Finance Minister Gheorghe Ialomitianu on Thursday set the parameters of a new, precautionary agreement with the International Monetary Fund and the European Union, the central bank said in a statement.

Romanian Auto Market 14th Largest In EU In Nov – ACEA

The Romanian auto market had the fifth biggest growth in the EU in November and climbed a position in the ranking of the biggest car markets in Europe, to 14 from 15 last year, according to data released Wednesday by the European Carmakers Association (ACEA).

EC Asks EP To Withdraw Funds Destined For Romania, Bulgaria – Bulgarian MEP

The European Commission has asked the European Parliament to withdraw funds earmarked for Romania and Bulgaria, because of their inability to absorb, said Bulgarian MEP Ivaylo Kalfin, cited by Bulgaria's Focus news agency.

Romania’s October Annual Inflation, Highest In EU

Romania posted the highest inflation in the European Union for the third consecutive month in October, while the EU average rate accelerated to 2.3%, from 2.2% in September, official data showed Tuesday.

Romanian President Proposes Economic Sanctions For Nonobservance Of SGP

Romanian President Traian Basescu told a news conference in Brussels Friday that Romania considers economic sanctions are a more efficient measure against states failing to observe the Stability and Growth Pact (SGP).

Romanian Govt Approves Legal Frame To Set Up National Visa Information System

The Romanian Government Thursday approved the legal frame to set up a national visa information system which will enable the country to connect to the European Union Visa Information System, said Government spokeswoman Ioana Muntean.

Romania’s New Deal With IMF To Include EU Funds

Romania’s potential new financing agreement with the International Monetary Fund will also include a loan accord with the European Commission, similar to the one signed in 2009, Romanian representative to the IMF, Mihai Tanasescu, said Thursday.

Romania New Car Market Falls 30% In First 9 Mos, 5th Biggest Decline In EU

Romania's new car market registered the fifth biggest decline in the European Union in January-September, of 29.7% on the year, compared to an average decline of 4.3% in the EU, according to the European Association of Carmakers (ACEA).

EU Asks Romania To Comply With Bird Protection Rules

The European Commission has asked Romania to ensure that its bird protection legislation is fully compliant with EU law, as the Commission is concerned that hunting periods designated under Romanian law coincide with periods of special protection.