
EU Jus Commissioner Aware Of Romania’s Resolution To Continue Reform-Min

The EU Justice Commissioner Franco Frattini is aware of the Romanian government’s resolution to carry on the reform in the legal field, Romania’s interim justice minister Teodor Melescanu said Thursday.

Eurostat: Romania 10-Mo ‘07 Trade Deficit EUR17.3B Vs EUR11.2B On Yr

Romania ranks fifth in Europe by trade deficit in the first ten months of 2007, up two places against the corresponding period in 2006, according to the statistical office of the European Union, Eurostat.

EU Says Romanian Gas Should Be 70% More Expensive

The European Commission asked Romania to hike by almost 70% the price for natural gas. This would represent alignment of the prices for locally produced gas with the price on the European market, reported.

Romania Requests Talks With EU Commissioner On Car Tax

Romanian Department for European Affairs chief Adrian Ciocanea, said Tuesday, in a press conference, that he asked Romanian ambassador in the EU Lazar Comanescu to set up a meeting with European commissioner responsible for Taxation and Customs Union Laszlo Kovacs’ team, regarding the car tax.

Romanian Justice Sys Needs Real Progress To Avoid EU Safeguard Clause-Official

Romania has to make progresses in reforming its justice field and the politicians need to fulfill their commitments toward the European Union to avoid a possible activation of the safeguard clause, the new head of the European Commission office in Bucharest, Nicolae Idu told RFI Romania in an interview.

Romanian Food Producers To Protect Traditional Specialties In EU

Romanian producers in the food sector will be able to protect traditional food products by means of a new procedure, which consists in registering these products as traditional specialties guaranteed in the European Union.

Romanian Pres Asks Parliament To Ratify Lisbon Treaty

Romanian President Traian Basescu signed, Tuesday, the Decree submitting to Parliament for ratification, the Lisbon Treaty, on the EU reform.

EU Received No Formal Notice On Romania CO2 Lawsuit

The European Commission received no formal notification regarding Romania’s legal action over its carbon dioxide national allocation plan for 2008-2012, a spokesperson of EU commissioner for environment, Stavros Dimas, said Tuesday.

Romanian Producers Can Import Tax-Free Cereals From Outside EU States

Romanian producers can import tax-free cereals from countries outside the EU, as of next week, following a decision of the European Union Council to suspend import duties for cereals, except for oat, millet and buckwheat taxes.

Romania’s Accession To The EU Was A Success – Barroso

The president of the European Commission, Jose Manuel Barroso, said in an interview for Romanian radio station RFI Romania, that the first thing he can say, one year after Romania and Bulgaria’s accession to the EU, that the integration was a success, and critics were wrong.

Basescu Says EU Agrees To Send Mission In Kosovo, Delay Decision On Province Statute

Romanian President Traian Basescu said Friday European Union leaders agreed, at Romania’s proposal, to send a policing and security mission to Serbia's breakaway province of Kosovo and postpone until January a decision regarding the status of the province.

Romania, Second In EU By Labor Cost Growth – Eurostat

The growth rate in labor costs in Romania slightly decreased in the third quarter to 23.2%, but Romania still ranks second in top of EU states after Latvia, which reported a 30% hike, and topped the average of the 27 EU states by at least six times, according to Eurostat, the EU Statistical Office.

EU Sets New Regulations For Airliners

The European Union Council and the European parliament set new regulations for airliners, through which they are obligated to include all taxes in the price of tickets, according to a press release issued by the Commission.

Romanian Govt Says EU Commissioner Spoke Too Soon On Car Tax Issue

Romania’s car registration tax is not the same as Hungary’s, as suggested by EU commissioner Laszlo Kovacs, who spoke too soon, without knowing whether Romanian would indeed be referred to the European court of Justice , government spokeswoman Camelia Spataru said Friday.

EU Takes Next Step In Infringement Procedure Against Romania’s Car Tax Regime

The European Commission said Wednesday it has taken the second step in the infringement procedure against Romania regarding its car registration tax, giving the country a two-month deadline to amend its tax regime.

Christmas Pig-Killing In Romania To Observe Animal Welfare Norms

Romanians are to kill pigs for Christmas only after the animals are stunned with guns firing captive bolts, the national veterinary authority ANSVSA said in a statement Thursday.

Romania, Among The First In Tax Classification

Romania ranks fourth worldwide and first in the European Union by the number of taxes a company must pay during one year alone, namely, double the taxes paid by companies in other European states, such as Poland or Slovakia, audit and consultancy company PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) said.

Romania Uneager To Acknowledge Independent Kosovo – Foreign Min

Romania’s foreign affairs minister Adrian Cioroianu said Monday in Brussels that Romania is not likely to be among the first states to recognize the independence of Serbian province Kosovo.

European Parliament Adopts Resolution On Free Circulation In EU States

The resolution proposed by the European social democrats to apply Directive 38/2004 on the right to free circulation in EU states was adopted Thursday in the plenary session of the European Parliament, and Romanian MEPs Adrian Severin and Dan Mihalache were among the initiators of the draft.

Romania Could Notify EU On Italian Deportation Law

Romania could notify the European Commission on the recently approved Italian law allowing prefects to deport EU citizens on grounds of public safety, Prime Minister Calin Tariceanu said Thursday.

Romanians To Get Legal Records On The Spot, Except In Bucharest

Legal records will be issued on the spot throughout Romania, except in Bucharest, where the system is to be introduced early next year, while Romanian consulates in EU states will issue these records in 30 days at most, starting December.

European Union To Grant EUR510M Subsidies To Winemakers

Winemakers in EU countries, including the Romanian wine producers, will receive additional subsides worth a total of EUR510 million for improvements in wine quality to compete with the wine quality standards in the United States, Australia and South Africa.